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Read the First Chapter of THE LOVE CON by Seressia Glass



Seressia Glass author

What do you get when you combine a beautiful plus-size nerdy protagonist that loves to cosplay with a reality tv competition? You a get a fake romance wrapped up in the angst of what it is like to cosplay competitively. Seressia Glass who is a self-proclaimed nerd herself is serving fandom and romance in her upcoming title The Love Con out Dec. 14th. We are giving you the opportunity to read the first chapter of this wholesome romance novel that is guaranteed to inspire you and make you miss all those conventions.

Chapter One

“Welcome back to Cosplay or No Way. Our three remaining contestants are fighting for
the opportunity to make it to the final round where one of them will win $100,000 and the
chance to work in costuming for a major motion picture!”

Kenya stared at Mark as the host recapped the competition so far. Being in the final three
had her mentally bouncing with excitement. She’d read enough online comments after last week’s
show, the first to broadcast live, to know that a lot of people thought she was there simply to
mark a diversity checkbox. Please. She’d worked her ass off to stay in the competition.

“As you know, this round’s theme is cosplay mashups. Kenya, tell the judges about your

Kenya smiled as she stepped forward, buoyed by the audience’s applause. “For my
cosplay mashup, I chose Dora the Milaje Explorer. In my vision for this, Dora’s mother is a
powerful warrior who instilled in her daughter all her skills and a desire to explore, learn, and
grow. Dora’s prized possessions are her digital helper Boots, her mother’s gauntlets, and a map to

Based on the audience’s reaction, she’d done an excellent job on her mashup. Using the
fabrication skills her best friend Cam had shown her, she’d recreated Shuri’s panther-headed
gauntlets, complete with blue glow lights to simulate energy beams. She’d sewn her battle
costume in General Okoye’s style but with Dora’s pink and yellow colors. A black panther-
shaped backpack holding a map of Wakanda and Dora’s signature brown bob completed her
look. Everyone had instantly known what she’d done. When you don’t have to explain your
cosplay, you were already a step ahead. That didn’t stop the anxiety fluttering in her stomach.

“Thank you, Kenya.” Mark turned his good looks to the panel. “Judges, do you have any
comments you’d like to make about Kenya’s cosplay?”

Kenya balled her hand in her gauntlets, resisting the urge to bite her nails. This was the
part she hated most, facing the judges. Not because she didn’t want their opinions—they were
some of the best in their fields—but because one judge seemed to have it out for her.

On cue, Rebecca leaned forward, concern drenching her features. “Kenya, do you really
feel that you embodied the blending of Dora the Explorer and a Dora Milaje?”
She bristled at Becky’s use of the word “embodied.” Throughout the competition,
Rebecca had taken issue with her size, her race, and her assertiveness, but Kenya hadn’t made it
anywhere in life by being anything other than true to herself. Today was not the day to change.

“It’s plural, not singular.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s the Dora Milaje, not a Dora Milaje. They are a group, a sisterhood, never alone. Like
Dora, who has many adventures and discoveries with the help of her friends. Neither Dora nor
the Dora Milaje apologize for who they are or what they do. They simply are, and people accept
that and move or they will be moved.”

Applause washed over her. She lifted her chin. She’d refused at the start of the
competition to wear the Angry Black Woman mantle, and she wasn’t about to cosplay that
caricature now. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to stand up for herself.

“You’ve been a dark horse this entire competition,” Rebecca said. A murmur rose from
the audience. Rebecca had made herself the judge people loved to hate, with good reason. “Your
cosplay choices have been extremely risky, considering your limitations.”

Dark horse? Limitations? Kenya fixed her face in the automatic flat expression that all

black women perfected before puberty. She had no idea if Becky meant her size, her color, or her
skill, but she’d be damned if she would consider any of those limitations. She was fat, black, and
had been cosplaying since she’d first dressed as Sailor Moon for Halloween as a kid. She knew
what she was, but she also knew what she was capable of. Her parents hadn’t raised her to be

Knowing she had nothing to lose at this point, Kenya lifted her chin. “With all due
respect, Rebecca, I don’t know what you mean by limitations. I believe I’ve met every challenge
with grace and ingenuity. I refuse to limit myself so someone else can be comfortable.”
Including you. Especially you.

The crowd applauded in support, and Kenya nodded at them, gratitude welling in her
chest. Their opinions mattered the most, since they could boost her popularity at cons and help
her costuming business get off the ground.

“That’s what I like about you, Kenya,” Leon said, a ghost of a smile curving his lips.
“You don’t allow anything, or anyone, to hold you back. I’ve enjoyed your unique spin on each
of the cosplays you’ve presented to us over the last two months, especially today’s. I know you
have a lot of people who see you as a role model and who are rooting for you. I look forward to
seeing what else you have up your sleeves. You have my vote.”

“Thank you,” she mouthed. One vote in my favor. I only need one more.
All eyes focused on Rebecca. Kenya knew her vote before she opened her mouth. “I’m
sorry,” Rebecca said, her tone declaring she was anything but. “I think Amanda delivered the
better cosplay this week.”

Amanda had chosen the Cat in the Hat Woman for her cosplay. She’d had another
meltdown on set because she’d run out of glue for her glue-gun, as if it was someone else’s fault she didn’t have extra glue sticks in her supply kit. The crying jags had become a daily occurrence; they just didn’t know what would set her off. Kenya hadn’t minded giving the other woman support, but she wasn’t there to help someone else win. The longer she stayed in the competition, the more exposure and publicity she received. During the brief times they’d been
allowed to use their phones, she’d discovered that she’d gained tons of new followers (along
with some new trolls) on all her social media streams, but that wasn’t all she wanted.

The winner would get the chance to work in the costuming department of a big-budget live-action fantasy
film. She hadn’t come to the show to be runner-up, and she sure as hell hadn’t come to be
number three.

Kenya’s stomach bubbled as she focused on the last judge, Caroline. The perky blonde
flailed her hands. “Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s up to me! Both of you have done an amazing
job week after week. I’ve been so impressed with how each of you have risen to every challenge
we’ve thrown your way.”

Mark stepped forward. “Unfortunately, only one can move forward into the Cosplay or
No Way final round. So Caroline, who will it be? Will it be Amanda, or will you choose Kenya?”
Dramatic music swelled as the audience chanted both their names in a muddled cacophony. Caroline looked at them each in turn. Kenya reached out to clasp Amanda’s hand, squeezing the other woman’s trembling fingers in an effort to steady her own. The other woman had already started the deep breaths that presaged tears.

“This is so hard…and I’m really sorry that I have to do this,” Caroline began.
Silence fell, thick enough to choke on.
Her eyes flew open as ice raced down her back, her shocked gasp echoed by the audience. Surely that didn’t mean…?
Caroline stared at her for a long moment before finally breaking into a smile. “Welcome
to the final round.”

“Oh God.” Relief nearly buckled her knees as the audience rose in a standing ovation.
She covered her open mouth with her gauntleted hands, smothering the gasp that wanted to
become a scream. She had the presence of mind to turn to hug Amanda before the other woman
sprinted from the stage. Blowing out a breath, she carefully pressed her fingers beneath her eyes
to blot her tears, sucked in a breath, then straightened her shoulders to face the judges.
The host set up a commercial break as Ben, the other finalist, returned to the floor. He
gave her a smile and a hug before joining her in facing the panel.

“And we’re back with our two Cosplay or No Way finalists, Ben and Kenya!”
The audience cheers washed over Kenya. Euphoria zapped through her, nervous energy
making her bounce on her toes as she vacillated between disbelief and elation. The final round!
She was in the final round! She almost pinched herself as the reality of being a finalist began to
settle in. The grand prize was close, so close. Just one more cosplay away.

Mark turned to them with a smile. “Congratulations, top two. You’ve fought long and
hard to make it here, and each of you deserve your place in the finals. However, there’s no time
to rest on your success. In fact, in this final round we want to see how you design and create your
cosplays on your home turf.”

She and Ben exchanged glances. Home turf?
“That’s right. The next part of the competition will follow the two of you as you return
home to make your final round costumes. A production crew will film you in your element. We
want to see how you craft your creations in your personal space!”

Excitement and anxiety faced off in her nerves, ready to duke it out for the top spot. Her
personal space was her bedroom in the apartment she shared with Cam, her best friend. She
couldn’t imagine trying to fit a camera crew in there. Besides, it was her bedroom, and she
tended to be a bit messy during the design phase, creating several sketches as she finalized her
concept. Maybe Cam would agree to let her use their dining area since they usually ate at the
breakfast bar or in front of the television.

“I’m sure everyone is wondering about the final round challenge. For that, we turn to our
judges. Leon?”
Leon regarded them, his smile stuck somewhere on the road between heaven and hell.

“Contestants, you’ve consistently brought your A game for every week of this competition. Now,
we want to see your A-plus work. Your final challenge will be iconic duos.”
Duos? After they’d just finished mashups week? If that’s what they wanted, she wasn’t
going to complain. She could do a gender-bent Two-Face, or one of the gem fusions from Steven

“That’s the good news,” Caroline said, “but you know we have to step it up for this final
round. With that in mind, your iconic duo must be a pairs cosplay.”
“What?” Ben whispered, looking as confused as Kenya felt. Did that mean making two

“That’s right.” Rebecca surveyed them. “Not only do we want to see how you juggle
cosplaying with your normal life, we want you to create two costumes: one for you, and one for
your cosplaying partner.”

Kenya’s mouth dropped open. Two costumes? Cosplay partner? Her mind raced. Did
they need to create them from scratch or could they source parts? Most importantly, how much time did they have two create two costumes?

Caroline leaned forward. “We all know that cosplayers do everything from making their
own cosplays to commissioning full costumes from someone else. You’re probably wondering
what’s allowed for you in this final round iconic duo cosplay challenge. So here are the
parameters for your final round challenge.

“First of all, both costumes must be at least fifty percent handmade. Of course, the more
handmade the costumes are, the more points you can score. Secondly, we know there’s a lot of
pressure to make two costumes, so you’re allowed to have help from your cosplay partner.
However, seventy-five percent of the work has to be yours. You’ll also need to recap your work
at the end of the day with a video diary entry.”

Rebecca gave them a smile Kenya instantly mistrusted. “This is all about being the best,
which means testing and stressing you. That’s why you and your partner will have four weeks to
complete your costumes before you return here to cosplay for the live audience.”

The shocked murmurs of the audience echoed the shock that swept through Kenya. There
was no way they could expect two costumes to be finished in four weeks, especially with that
fifty percent handmade requirement. And with one person doing the bulk of the work?
She looked at Ben, who looked as floored as she felt. “What?” he whispered. “Are they

“We’re very serious,” Leon answered. “Just as you should be, especially about who
you’ll pick as your cosplay partner. Remember, your partner can do up to twenty-five percent of
the build, and they’ll need to cosplay with you in the finale.”
“Who will our finalists pick as their cosplay partners?” Mark asked the audience. “We’ll
find out—right after this.”

Kenya’s mind raced as everyone waited for the commercial break to end, imagining and
discarding all the duos that immediately came to mind. With four weeks to work, it would be
nearly impossible to do any costume with a great deal of detail work, and certainly not two.
Then there was the matter of picking her cosplay partner. Who could she get to help her?
Her mind instantly went to Cam, but her best friend had his hands full running the fabrication
shop, especially since she wasn’t there to handle logistics and order intake. Her parents were
out. Neither one understood her obsession with the geekery of anime and gaming or adults
running around in costumes outside of Halloween, and even then they deployed maximum side-

Besides, they’d been against her doing the show from the start. They wanted her to “give
up this foolishness” and use her engineering degree they’d paid for. Her brother was off in the
Air Force and her sisters were busy with their families and their careers on opposite sides of the
country. Janelle might have been willing, but her other best friend didn’t even own a sewing kit.
Bringing Janelle onboard meant Kenya would wind up doing one hundred percent of the work.
What was she going to do?

“Welcome back to Cosplay or No Way,” Mark announced as he was counted back in
from the commercial break. “Let’s recap the parameters of the finale round.”
Dramatic music and lighting rolled across the stage as the jumbo screen lit up, bold white
letters spelling out FINAL ROUND RULES on a purple background. “First, conceive of an
iconic duo cosplay that you and your partner will showcase during or live finale. Second, at least
fifty percent of each costume must be handmade. Third, your cosplay partner can help you, but
you must do seventy-five percent of the work. Each of you will have a production crew
following your progress, and of course we want to continue seeing those video diaries. Judges, anything else?”

Leon spoke. “You’re going to have your hands full in this challenging round, but
overcoming challenges is part of what being a Cosplay or No Way champion is all about. I would
suggest you choose your cosplay partner carefully.”

“Ben,” Mark said. “Who will you choose to partner with to help you become the Cosplay or No Way champion?”
Ben, who’d done an excellent mashup of The Stay Puft Michelin Man, smiled. “My husband, John. He’s as into cosplay as I am.”

Crap. She knew from their conversations that Ben’s husband was an active cosplayer and did set design for their local theater. Acid churned in her stomach. The choice gave him a huge advantage. She needed to level the playing field, which mean she needed someone who not only cosplayed, but could help make their costumes without Kenya having to supervise every step. Her thoughts returned to Cam. They’d been best friends for half their lives and had cosplayed together since they first attended Dragon Con during their senior year of high school.

He also knew his way around a 3-D printer and an X-acto knife. But she couldn’t take him away
from the shop. Yes, Mack and Javier were there, but since she ran the project management
software, she knew just how lean the shop ran. Taking her off the schedule was a pain, but
manageable. Taking Cam out of production…

He would do it, she knew. Cam was the reason she’d heard about the competition. He’d
helped her prepare her audition video, sent encouraging texts and a good luck video with their
game night friends. He’d supported her every step of the way. This…this might stretch their
bonds of their friendship to the breaking point.

“Kenya, it’s now your turn,” Mark said, his voice snapping her out of her spiraling thoughts. “Who will be your cosplay partner in the final round? Who will you choose to help you create an iconic duo cosplay that will win you $100,000 and the title of Cosplay or No Way champion?”

The musical tension increased as the audience fell silent. Kenya was sure they could hear
her gut churning. She glanced at the judges, trying not to let Rebecca’s smug expression get to
her. She was pretty sure the snotty judge doubted she had anyone close enough to meet the
qualifications to help her.

“Well, Kenya?” Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Do you have a significant other who can
help you in this final round, like Ben does?”

Kenya carefully blanked her expression so they wouldn’t notice she was internally
seething. She’d broken up with her last boyfriend months ago for good reasons, but she’d be
damned if she’d give Becky the satisfaction of knowing that. “I do.”

Rebecca tilted her head in surprise. “Really. Who might that be?”

“There’s only one person who’s been with me all through my cosplay journey,” she said,
her voice quavering as nerves stretched tight. “The one who believes in me the most. The one
who helped me get here, who’s cheered me on from the start. The one person who’s encouraged
me to push myself, to be more and do more. My best friend, Cameron Lassiter.”
“Ah.” Rebecca’s expression reminded Kenya of the shark in that movie about the missing
clown fish. “That’s your friend, right? I hope that won’t put you at a disadvantage, considering
Ben is working with his spouse.”

Does this heifer think I can’t get a man? Kenya unzipped a smile. “Cam is my best friend
and my partner. Trust and believe I’m not disadvantaged in the least.”
“You go, girl!” Someone in the audience shouted, causing the crowd to explode with laughter then applause. Vindication swelled in her chest, and she gave them a genuine grin and wave before giving Rebecca the same smug smile she’d received earlier. Take that, Becky.

“There you have it, folks!” Mark boomed. “Two couples going head-to-head to create
iconic cosplay duos. Which team will come out on top to claim $100,000 and a chance to work
on a major movie? We’ll have to wait and see. Tune in next week as our finalists return to their
home turf and begin the build of their lives on Cosplay or No Way!”

Thrills shot through her like fireworks. There really wasn’t anyone else she wanted with
her in the final round. That was the truth. Maybe she’d split hairs on the whole partner thing, but
they really were partners, given her tiny stake in his shop. Their friendship had lasted longer than
a bunch of marriages. Surely it wouldn’t be a problem to fake that their relationship was more
than just friends.

Now all she had to do was convince Cam to be her cosplay partner—and her significant other.

Thank you to Berkley for providing Fabulize with an advanced copy and granting us permission to publish the first chapter.

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25 September Black Book Releases To Add To Your TBR Pile

Here’s a short list of Black books that are releasing in September 2022.



September Black book releases

September Black book releases

Now that the heatwaves are gone and there is a chill in the air, it’s time to make space on your bookshelves for some new releases. While it’s entirely possible you might not read them right away, it’s good to save them to your Goodreads or Storygraph account. September is a mixed bag of books from Black authors but there are plenty of books in a number of genres for everyone. It doesn’t matter what your flavor is, you’ll find something that speaks to your soul.

From historical fiction to romance to non-fiction there are some eye-catching titles that you won’t want to miss this month. Some of the most anticipated books include debut authors such as Nigerian author Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi and her recent debut of Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions. It’s currently Roxane Gay’s book club selection as well. Ogunyemi presents a beautifully told story that combines four, authentic women’s voices to share their experiences of life, love and culture. 

There’s plenty of Black-led and Black centering romance as well. For the gothic baddies, House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson puts a dystopian spin on her latest book. What if people choose to be servants of vampires if they knew it would elevate them out of poverty? This is a dark, gothic tale that you’d want to sink your teeth in. 

While this isn’t a complete list of all the Black books coming out in September, it’s a good start for those who are looking for books by Black authors. Enjoy! 

Do You Take This Man by Denise Williams 

Overworked RJ can admit that Lear is attractive. It’s hard not to miss his charming smile. From strangers who awkwardly and abruptly meet, to exchanging unpleasantries to being co-workers for a wedding seems like something that can only happen in romance novels, right? 

Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown

Being Black and asexual in a society where Black people are often over-sexualized by default often leaves Black voices and experiences overlooked. While the language presented can be heavy at times, this intersectional critique of how society views and expects sexuality to perform in binary and heteronormative terms.  

A Ghost in Shining Armor by Therese Beharrie

Looking for a lighthearted, paranormal romance? Gemma can see ghosts and she uses her gift to help the dearly departed finish their business with the living. However, it’s when she meets Levi and that is where things get complicated. Levi has lived and died and now he’s focused on helping Gemma. Can the living and formerly deceased find real love? Fans of Ghost and The Preacher’s Wife will enjoy this.

Dyslexia and Me: How to Survive and Thrive if You’re Neurodivergent by Onyinye Udokporo

If you’re Black and neurodivergent you will feel seen in this book. Udokporo who was featured in Forbes for discussing Neurodiversity And Entrepreneurship believes neurodivergent people can excel in entrepreneurship. 

The Two Lives of Sara by Catherine Adel West

West is back with another powerful story about family and identity while centering a Black woman’s point of view. Sara, a complicated woman, is trying to start anew in Memphis to run away from her past in Chicago. For readers, enjoy the sweet treat of learning about other Black, obscure authors from yesterday through the eyes of the characters in the book. 

The Black Cell by Wendy Shania

Are you looking for a new dystopian read? Set in Baltimore, MD in the near future, Black people are targeted by police at an all-time high. Ideal for readers who want to use the liberation framework in a sci-fi setting to highlight social injustices.

They Come At Knight by Yasmine Angoe

Serving as the follow-up to Her Name Is Knight, Nena Knight is back as the kickass assassin that I’d willing to do anything to protect the people she loves. While she works for a powerful organization, eventually the institution begins to crumble from the inside out and Nena has to face an uncomfortable revelation that will change her life forever.

To Win A Prince by Toni Shiloh

Iris seems to be living the dream. Using her keen sense of style to propel her business while being BFF with the Queen of a powerful African country certainly has its perks. But when she’s forced to work with the dejected Prince Ekon, they are both forced to admit their desires and wants. 

Soul of the Deep by Natasha Bowen

Speaking of Black mermaids! This highly anticipated sequel to the  New York Times bestseller, Skin of the Sea is available towards the end of this month. Bowen puts a dark spin on the classic mermaid lore with lots of action and consequences.

Where We End & Begin by Jane Igharo

Igharo is back again with a second chance about two former high school love birds who reunite at a wedding in Nigeria. It’s been twelve years since they made a vow to find a way to be together again and the time has finally arrived. 

Drunk On Love by Jasmine Guillory

A seductive one-night stand turn office romance on the backdrop of a winery is not the tale you didn’t know you needed. It all goes down in Napa Valley when tech bro eye candy meets an entrepreneur working hard to maintain her family’s winery.

Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions by Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi

A powerful and poignant story that connects four women together from childhood to adulthood. This beautiful African diaspora literary fiction delivers a relatable story of how gender, class, race and nationality impact Black people globally.

The Attic Child by Lola Jaye

This historical fiction set in London in the early 1900s is an unnerving tale of two children who are bound to one attic in two different time periods. Despite 90 years separating both victims, the cruelty and injustice remain the same. 

House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson

Ready for some gothic fantasy with chilling vampire vibes? 19-year-old Marion is tired of struggling to survive. When she answers a peculiar ad in the newspaper looking for a “bloodmaid” in exchange for a finer life, she decides to pursue it. When she meets her new mistress a bloody and lustful relationship develops that could lead to Marionn’s demise. 

Sweet, Soft, Plenty Rhythm by Laura Warrell 

One jazz musician named Circus has left a trail of scorned and infatuated women who are seeking to find their own voice without his validation. One of those women includes the former drummer he abandoned while she was pregnant. However, his now teen daughter admires him despite his poor choices. 

People Person by Candice Carty-Williams

Dimple just turned 30 and now she’s faced with the hard truth being an influencer is harder than she thought. Life takes a turn and her ‘rolling stone’ papa has other children Dimple barely knows. If you love messy families and astrology, put this on your TBR (to be read) list now.

Rules of Engagement by Stacey Abrams bka Selena Montgomery 

Abrams is back with another thriller but this time she adds some steamy romance. Two people, are both on a mission to find the truth while trying to ignore their attraction for each other as they infiltrate a terrorist organization. 

Days Come and Go by Hemley Boum

If you are looking for more translated books by Black authors you do not want to miss this recently translated book by Cameroonian author Hemley Boum. While on her deathbed, a mother recounts her life to her daughter who is at her side and records her mother’s life experiences. Boum invites the reader to an authentic view of Cameroon by using historical events and multi-generational storytelling. 

Rust In The Root by Justina Ireland 

Ready for some Black alternate historical fantasy fiction? Of course, you are! It’s 1937 and America is divided into people who can wield magic and those that can not. Laura Ann wants to get her license so she can practice legally and branch out on her own. However, she’s having a tough time and finally enrolls in a government agency that is supposed to help America for the better. 

On the Rooftop by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton

This historical fiction novel takes place during the 1950s. Picture a story about a Motown girl group set in California. The mother is trying to live vicariously through her daughters as a stage mom, while her daughters are looking to find their own paths that may or may not include music. 

The Keeper by Tananarive Due

This ghostly graphic novel approaches horror through the story of grief. Aisha is still mourning her parents’ death and is sent to live with her grandmother in Detroit. However, her grandmother’s health is declining quickly. In her grandmother’s last efforts to protect her grandchild, she summons dark energy to protect her but the spirit feasts off the living to survive.

The Study of Human Life by Joshua Bennett 

Poetry that invokes speculative elements to create a collection of Black conscious narratives. Bennett talks about fatherhood, and social justice topics and even resurrects Malcolm X.

Black Panther: Protectors of Wakanda: A History and Training Manual of the Dora Milaje from the Marvel Universe by Karama Horne 

If you always wanted to learn more about the Dora Milaje, here’s your chance. Karama Horne, known as the pop culture reporter The Blerd Gurl, does a deep dive into the history of one of the most formidable warriors in comic book history. Learn how to train like the Dora Milaje just in time for New York Comic Con.

In the House of Transcendence by Amanda Ross

Give us more Black witches, please! Zora has powers that scare her but she’s learning to live with them. She leaves home and finds herself in the company of a powerful witch that offers her a unique opportunity to be a dancer at a magical burlesque club. Magic, murder and mayhem galore. 

Vanessa Jared’s Got A Man by LaQuette

Vanessa is a happily divorced woman who has formed The Savvy, Sexy Single Club and she plans on being just that. But her plans are turned upside down on her second anniversary when a man claims his little sister is trying to marry her no-good ex. Vanessa could care less until she spots her stolen grandmother’s ring on another woman’s finger. Watch out for the fireworks— in more ways than one. Who doesn’t love a good mature second chance at a love story? 

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Exclusive: Read An Excerpt From You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

Read an excerpt from Amanda Jayatissa’s latest thriller, “You’re Invited”. Available August. 9, 2022.



you're invited by amanda jayatissa excerpt
Amanda Jayatissa
Credit: Goodreads

Amanda Jayatissa took the publishing industry by storm with her thriller book debut, My Sweet Girl. The Sri Lankan author created a dark but funny thriller that centers a young woman named Paloma who was adopted by American parents who gets cutoff from them financially. When times gets rough, she then rents her room to an Indian roommate who ends up dead on her table.

Now, Jayatissa is back with another thriller and this time she gets to brag and bask in her accomplishments as well. Currently, Jayatissa is the first Sri Lankan woman author to land an international book deal. As her star continues to shine, she’s penning some dangerously delicious thrillers in an unique voice that readers need.

Thanks to Berkley, we are going to post an excerpt of You’re Invited because today is her book birthday! Grab your coffee and dive into this excerpt that centers a jilted lover, a strained friendship, betrayal and murder.


Morning of the Wedding
I woke up with bruised knuckles and blood under my fingernails, more rested than I have been in years. I guess this is who I am now. The kind of person who would finally get a good night’s sleep after attacking someone else. The kind of woman who would fly halfway around the world to stop my ex–best friend from marrying my ex-boyfriend. If that’s one too many exes for you, well, it certainly is for me. But I’m also the kind of woman who does whatever it takes, so here I am.

Balancing my teacup in one hand, I opened the sliding door that led out onto the small balcony attached to my room at the Mount Lavinia Hotel. It overlooked the expansive private beach, which was deserted.

Of course it was. It was too early in the day for anyone to be out there. Maybe later on, but then again, who knows how things will pan out? The wedding would definitely be canceled now. The guests would all shuffle home, dispirited and upset. Or maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe they would just be grateful for the all-expenses-paid weekend, and take advantage of the beautiful beach and open bar. They would definitely mull around, gossiping and curious about what transpired. Aunties would have their own theories, no doubt, and phones will light up with messages about what happened to the un- fortunate bride, Kaavindi Fonseka. This is Colombo after all.

It flickered in my stomach then—the first flutter of nervousness. I knew I couldn’t keep it away for long. It had been a simple plan, of course. But like all simple plans, it could be quite complicated unless you teased everything out. Laid everything bare. And like all simple plans, it had the potential to go very, very wrong.

I watched the waves swell and bounce and crash and forgive. The fishing boats were already well on their way out to sea, and a few birds circled the ocean in the distance. Keeping my eyes on the horizon, I took a deep breath and counted to five.

Then exhaled.

My hands were steady on my cup of tea, but a fleck of dried blood had made its way onto the clean white ceramic. I’d better take a shower. Today was a big day for me. Perhaps even more so than yesterday. So much depended on what I did next.

I stepped into the bathroom and made the water as hot as it would go. It felt like a betrayal, washing the last bits of yesterday off me. Knowing she was gone, as I watched the water swirl down the drain. But I went through all the motions, still nervous but also feeling, for the first time in a very long time, that I belonged to myself. That things just might be okay. That I was finally vindicated of everything that happened five years ago.

I shampooed my hair, conditioned it, slathered on soap that smelled like jasmine all over my body. Deep breath in, Amaya. Now count to five. Let it out slowly. Just like Dr. Dunn said.
It was over. After so many years, I could finally let it go.

Steam clouded around me as I dried and then dressed myself. My small overnight bag was already packed, ready for me to make my exit. My passport was at home, with the rest of my luggage. The flight back to LA wasn’t until tomorrow morning, but I could last till then.

I checked the time—6:36 a.m. A pattern. A lucky number. Thank goodness. I felt some of the tension leave my shoulders.

I’ll wait until 7:00 a.m. to check out. 7:07 a.m., if I could manage it. I couldn’t afford to look
suspicious. After all, who checks out of a five-star hotel at the crack of dawn unless it’s some sort of emergency? I didn’t want to draw attention to myself now. I couldn’t leave anything up to chance.

I busied myself by giving the room a once-over—making sure I hadn’t left my charger plugged in and forgotten, or left anything hanging behind the bathroom door. There was a T-shirt in a plastic shopping bag that I kept near my purse, waiting to be thrown out on the taxi ride home. It was always better to be safe. I sat down, phone in hand, watching the numbers on the clock tick their way toward when I could leave.

The rap on my door came at 6:51 a.m., ricocheting through my quiet room, lodging itself deep in my heart.

Who would knock on my door now? It didn’t make any sense. I hesitated a moment.

The second rap sounded more urgent.
“Miss Bloom, this is Alistair Ferdinand, the hotel manager. Sorry to disturb you. Could we have a moment,
please?” The manager? Well, at least it wasn’t the police. They’d come later. I hoped to be gone by then. I took another deep breath and cracked open the door.

“Yes?” I tried to keep the tremble out of my voice. I knew it even before he said anything. I could feel it in my bones—the writhing. The inherent sense that things were about to go very, very wrong.
“Miss Bloom, my apologies for this, but we have to search your room.”
“Search my room?”
But he was pushed aside by someone as she barreled her way inside.
“Where is she?” Her voice was shrill.
“Tehani? What are you doing here? What’s going on?” My voice was a whimper. An embarrassing contrast against hers.

“Oh fuck off, like you don’t know.”
“I—I don’t understand.” I swallowed. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” The manager stepped in. “We have been instructed to search all rooms
immediately. It appears that one of our guests has gone missing.”
“What? Who?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.
“I’m not at liberty to say right now, madam. We just need to check your room.”
It felt like all the breath had been knocked out of me. This was really happening.

The manager was accompanied by two security guards. Let them look. She certainly wasn’t in here. It took just less than a minute of them going through my room to confirm.
I glanced at the time, just to make sure. 6:53 a.m. Nothing lucky about that. My chest tightened.
“As you can see, I’m alone in here. But please, let me know if I can help.” I sounded far away—like my voice was disconnected from the rest of my body.

“You can help by telling us the truth, you bitch.” Tehani’s voice slapped me back to reality. She was holding up the T-shirt I’d been meaning to throw away—a basic white tee with the words Pink Sapphires emblazoned across the chest in sparkly letters.

My heart started pounding.
“This is my sister’s. Why do you have it?”
I could barely get my words out.
“Kaavi, she—gave it to me. I’d—you know, I’d spilled something on myself, and she wanted me to have it”.

“You’re such a liar! I knew it! I told them you’d have something to do with this! Just wait—”
And with that, Tehani stormed out, T-shirt and all. What the hell had I gotten myself into?
“Thank you, Miss Bloom. We are going to have to ask you to please stay in your room until further notice.”
“Stay in my room?” My heart was a wild animal now. Jumping and pounding and trying to escape out of my chest. “But I was going to check out soon.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it is imperative that you do so. I’m told that the investigators will be arriving soon to handle this situation.”

Oh my goodness, I couldn’t believe this was happening. This was not the plan. This was not the plan at all.

“How do you know she’s missing?” I asked. “Maybe she went for a walk? Or, well, have you checked thegroom’s room?” I made sure to lower my voice for that last bit, so the security guards couldn’t hear me.

“Trust me, Miss Bloom. She hasn’t gone for a walk. There were—and I don’t mean to alarm you—signs of a struggle in her room. Right now, I’m afraid we have to believe the worst . . .” His voice trailed off and he eyed my hand. I glanced down to see what he was staring at.

I’d washed away the blood, of course, but the bruise on my knuckles was a little harder to get rid of.
“Anyway, thank you for your time. Once again, please stay in your room until you’re called for

“Okay.” It was all I could manage. I could barely breathe.
“And Miss Bloom—?” The manager hesitated near my door. “Yes?”
“We have security stationed on every corridor. So please do be kind enough to adhere to our safety
measures.” He kept his eyes firmly on my face until just before he turned around, when I saw him try to sneak another glance at my knuckles. I held my hand behind my back—out of sight. I wasn’t an idiot.

Excerpted from YOU’RE INVITED by Amanda Jayatissa published by Berkley, an imprint of
Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC. Copyright © 2023 by Amanda Jayatissa

Thank you so much Berkley for giving us permission to print this excerpt.

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16 Books To Read If You Love Beyoncé’s Renaissance Album

Here are sixteen books that compliment Beyoncé’s Renaissance album.



Beyonce renaissance books
Beyonce renaissance pose

There’s a whole lotta think pieces happening right now regarding Beyoncé’s newest album, Renaissance, and I’m not going to continue the chaos. Instead, I just pressed play and let the art speak for itself.

It was a given that Beyoncé was going to put the internet in a chokehold with her new album, merchandise and visuals and as a music fan, I chose to listen with an open heart and ears.

I’m so glad I did.

Because I’m not interested in what white people have to say about Beyoncé or her music and I damn sure don’t care what they think about house music.

Visuals from the Renaissance album

I’m from the south side of Chicago so house music is in my bones—y’a heard? It doesn’t take much to get me to percolate and if you give me a few drinks I’ll doo-doo brown all-up-and-down the dance floor.

Ms. Tina Lawson, Beyoncé’s mother, posted a lovely Instagram post recently about her late nephew, Johnny. She considered her nephew like an older brother because they were two years apart but Beyoncé and her sister Solange referred to him as their uncle. Unfortunately, Johnny passed away from HIV complications according to BBC.

Like Beyoncé, I also lost someone I deeply cared for and loved to HIV complications. Like Uncle Johnny, he didn’t deserve to die and my friend was only 33-years-old. He had so much to live for and he was the brightest star in any room he entered. My dear friend gave me a first-hand look at what it’s like being an androgynous-presenting, gay male in New York City.

Me and my friend, Chezray

Between the ballroom scenes, the gay bars and hangouts and the public scrutiny, my friend continued to keep his head high, his makeup beat and his feet moving to the beat. As I vibe out to Renaissance, I kept thinking to myself, “Wow, he would really love this!”

One of our last summer outings together was in Brooklyn, NY at the Restoration Plaza. They had a a mini house music party and I just remember us drinking and dancing with beautiful men all evening.

I’m saying all this to say that house music and Black LGBTQ+ culture go hand-and-hand. In fact, Black culture as a whole is driven by Black queer culture. From fashion, to slang, to music and trends, Black queers are oftentimes copied and their contributions are trickled up to to their cishetero and affluent counterparts.

Unfortunately, our society is structured in a way where the most privileged amongst us must move the culture forward by making space for the most marginalized amongst us. With this album, it feel like Beyoncé is trying to do that sonically. And with that being said, I thought I could contribute to the movement by recommending books that highlight Black queer voices in fiction and non-fiction. I picked sixteen books to accompany the sixteen tracks on Renaissance. There’s a lot of Black, queer politics, feminism, history listed and it will make a great addition to your bookshelf.

So check out the list and let me know what you think. If there’s anything you would add, you can always leave a comment and let me know.

Coffee will make you black cover

I’M THAT GIRL — Coffee Will Make You Black by April Sinclair

And The Category Is cover

COZY — And The Category Is …: Inside New York’s Vogue, House, and Ballroom Community by Ricky Tucker

In The Black Fantastic cover

ALIEN SUPERSTAR — In The Black Fantastic by Ekow Eshun

CUFF IT— Boys Comes First by Aaron Foley

Queen Of Prophecy cover

ENERGY — Queen Of Prophecy by Aya de Leon

Big Freedia cover

BREAK MY SOUL — Big Freedia: God Save the Queen Diva! by Big Freedia

The Collection Plate cover

CHURCH GIRL — The Collection Plate by Kendra Allen

Kings Queens and In-betweens cover

PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA —Kings, Queen and In-Betweens by Tanya Boteju

Black Loves Matter cover

VIRGO’S GROOVE — Black Love Matters by Jessica P. Pryde

Twilight Of Torment cover

MOVE — Twilight of Torment: Melancholy by Léonora Miano

The Boundaries Of Blackness cover

HEATED — The Boundaries Of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics by Cathy J. Cohen

bad fat black girl cover

THIQUE — Bad Fat Black Girl by Sesali Bowen

Greenland cover

ALL UP IN YOUR MIND —Greenland by David Santos Donaldson

My Government Means To Kill Me cover

AMERICA HAS A PROBLEM —The Government Means To Kill Me by Rasheed Newson

PURE/HONEY — Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton

do you remember house music cover

SUMMER RENAISSANCE — Do You Remember House?: Chicago’s Queer of Color Undergrounds by Micah E. Salkind

If you enjoyed this list of Black books, please consider purchasing from the links provided. Fabulize is a readership-driven platform and the affiliate links helps contribute to writers and maintenance of the site.

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6 Delightful Books About Black Fatherhood

Here are more books about Black fatherhood and families.



Even though Juneteenth and Father’s Day has passed, Black fatherhood is worthy of praise and celebration everyday. Granted, fatherhood looks different for each family and we believe any male figure can step into a father role as long as they have love and care for a child.

Whether it’s step-dads, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, or neighbors, a child needs to have a village. When children have a sense of community they can trust, they can grow to be well-adjusted people. Seeing positive adults helps children understand and set their own standards in life.

As a child, it’s important for them to hear and see adults apologizing for their mistakes, too. Sometimes those apologies come right away, and sometimes they come later in life. However, the most important thing is that it happens. When it comes to male role models, it’s imperative we decolonize what fatherhood and manhood looks like—for the sake of our children. We want children to see men show a spectrum of emotions. And with that, we’ve selected a few books that showcase the impact of fatherhood; good, bad and indifferent and how it resonates with their family and society.

Swim Team by Johnnie Christmas

In this vivid, heart-warming story, a family relocates to Florida for better opportunities. Bree is set to start middle school and she notices everyone in Florida loves to swim—except for her. Bree would rather be needing out, however, her new friends encourage her to try and she almost drowns. Thankfully, her neighbor is a former swimming champion and she gives Bree the training she needs to help her win.

Through The Banks Of The Red Cedar: My Father and the Team That Changed the Game by Maya Washington

Growing up, Maya Washington didn’t get to experience seeing her father, Gene Washington play first-hand. However, she has always been aware of his impact on the game. In this memoir, she highlights not only her father’s achievements but how he’s also impacted her life.

Daddy and Me and the Rhyme To Be by Chris Bridges and Halcyon Person

If you haven’t seen Karma on Netflix, you are missing out. Karma, the brainchild of rapper Ludacris, has created a world where a beautiful little girl has the gift of rhyming. She solves problem and she always relies on her dad for the best advice and rhymes.

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together by Aissatou Blade and Diariatou Sow

Let’s normalize stay-at-home dads, please! In this beautiful book, one family plans an adventurous day while the mother goes to work. They clean, bake and learn together and their daddy is their every step of the way.

Don’t Cry For Me by Daniel Black

Sometimes, people don’t understand the impact of their actions until it’s almost too late. In Don’t Cry For Me, a father is terminally I’ll and while on his deathbed, he begins sending his son letters. He tells his son about his ancestral legacy and tries to make amends with the homophobic attitude he held towards his only son.

Black Boy, Black Joy by Ali Kamanda and Jorge Redmond

A beautiful tribute to Black boys to help build their self-esteem so they can aspire to do great things. This book highlights notable and positive Black role models including Matthew Henson, Fela Kuti and Colin Kaepernick. Full of Black boy joy, this book will be a great addition to your home library.

Looking for more Black authors and Black centering books? Check out this post of books where Black girls are superheroes and protagonists.

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Book Review: Last Summer on State Street

Here’s our 5-star review of Last Summer On State Street by Toya Wolfe.



Last Summer On State is a must-have addition to the Black girl coming-of-age literary canon. The story follows a 12-year-old girl named FeFe who lives in Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes. Fefe lives in the 4950 building– which is the last Robert Taylor Home left standing. Residents of Robert Taylor are eagerly awaiting their vouches so that they can relocate because the city of Chicago has started its gentrification process with its public housing residents. For years, the projects have occupied prime-time real estate on State Street which is one of the major streets on the southside.

Fefe takes us on an emotional journey where she and her friends try to stay together but grow apart due to their own situations. When Fefe decides to bring another young girl into their circle, things seem to go downhill. The girl they hesitantly befriend is the daughter of a drug addict who abandons her daughter frequently. Fefe has another friend that her mother and close neighbor friend warns her about, too. But Fefe has a heart of gold and doesn’t want to judge people based on their family’s reputation, even though the family has a long history of crime.

Despite the vivid crime and abuse that Fefe sees, it doesn’t break her. It gives her hope. In the quiet mornings when all the gang violence ceases, she goes to church with her devout Christian friend and finds solace in the church. She has faith that she will survive the Robert Taylor Homes even though she knows it is part of her identity. She sees firsthand how the projects can break people while she also realizes the government doesn’t care about poor, Black folks no matter what their political affiliation might be.

If you love historical fiction, especially dramas about family, gentrification and faith, this book is for you. While it has violent topics and experiences it is completely authentic. It will transform you back to 1999 and if you lived in Chicago or any hood during that time you will be able to relate to Fefe and her friends.

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