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Malika Haaq gifts IG follower her baby swag


Malika Haaq gifts IG follower her baby swag

Malika Haaq gifts IG follower her baby swag

With all the news surrounding reality star Malika Haaq and her pregnancy and ex-boyfriend rapper O.T. Genasis, one can only imagine how stressful it can be to see your name on blogs talking about your personal life so matter-of-factly. It seems stressful as an expecting mom to try to maintain some level of privacy while being a celebrity. Thankfully, Malika Haaq seems down to earth and relatable and her latest act of kindness proves just that.

Even though Haaq has been in the news recently with fans wanting her to go on the record about the father of her baby, most people ignored the gesture of kindness the reality star displayed on her Instagram not too long ago. She recently posted pictures of her teddy bear themed, star-studded baby shower thrown by her BFF Khole Kardashian

Malika posted a photo thanking toy brands Mattel for all the Fisher-Price swag she received. In the photo, she’s wearing all black and sitting on the floor next to the items. Some of the items included a portable infant gym, a high chair and learning toys for her baby. Needless to say, baby items can be expensive and some moms and families aren’t in a position to purchase items like these all at once. One of Haaq’s fans wrote, ” I wish I had people giving me things for my daughter. I’m due in March and have nothing. 🙁 life’s rough.”

Malika responded to her fan immediately and told her to DM her so she can get her mailing address as she was willing to send the baby items that she was gifted. It was a kind gesture to give her follower baby gifts and show what type of person Malika is and the world needs more of that.

This is a true act of kindness that needs to be celebrated and hopefully, others will follow this trend of helping others that are in need, too.

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