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Postpartum Sex: Things Nobody Warns You About



Nobody warns you about postpartum sex…

You get pregnant and you have the baby and then there is this thing called postpartum that nobody warns you about. There are so many things I wasn’t prepared for when I was pregnant. There were so many things I was not aware of and experiencing pregnancy was completely different from what I had been told or lead to believe. However, the naivete didn’t after the baby was born, it continued well into postpartum as well. It really didn’t dawn on me how dramatically different my body was and going to be for the rest of my life. When I went to my first postpartum doctor’s appointment and I asked him questions about my lack of bladder control at the time and questions about intimacy he told me very plainly that my body will never be what it was.

Excuse me, what?

What do you mean my body will never be the same again? I had delivered a healthy baby and you are telling me I will have to deal with incontinence and other soreness forever?

I hated ( and still at times) hate my body post-pregnancy, but now, I am starting to feel more like my old self and moving my body definitely helps. When one starts to feel somewhat normal, their libido starts to elevate.


The first thing I noticed when trying to have sex postpartum was the mental barrier. I was scared that I would get pregnant again and I was scared it would hurt even though I had a c-section. For some reason, my body would revert into trauma mode before sex and it will kill the mood. Even though I was prepared to have some sookie-sookie, my body wasn’t aligning with emotions.

Postpartum sex was so embarrassing for me. I felt drier and I would randomly spot and it really impacted my self-esteem because here I am already battling body issues now, I can’t even perform sexually? What the hell is wrong with me?

I decided to try Neueve (pronounced New Eve) for vaginal dryness. Because I am still nursing, I also figured I could benefit from some pH balance correctness. Dr. Renjie Chang is the co-founder of Neueve and a gynecologist. Her products are a natural and more holistic alternative to over-the-counter relief solutions for people like myself who prefer non-hormonal feminine care.

My interest was piqued because I felt it could not hurt to try natural products that will make me feel more comfortable when I want to be intimate. Let’s face it, having an active toddler means I have less time to have alone time with my partner and that means less time for foreplay. So that means when I want to have sexy time, I only have a short window.


Here are the products I used

I used the Neueve Silver which is a vaginal suppository that is geared for women who experience dryness and irritation. I was a little scared at first because I never used a vaginal suppository before but I noticed a difference in less than 24 hours. I also have the Neueve Vaginal Cream which is a cream that gives instant results for dryness.

I have been using the suppository as upkeep—if that makes sense while using the cream when I think I feel a bit dry. I’ve used the cream a few times but honestly, I don’t feel like I need it much since I have been using the suppository.

I am satisfied with the results I have seen with Neueve because I am adamant about not using hormonal feminine care solutions because I am still breastfeeding but I am quite happy that I found an Ob/GYN backed product that I can feel safe using. Besides. Dr. Chang seems like such a badass and her dedication to providing products for women that women actually can use and enjoy is admirable.

“Since leaving the corporate world to pursue my own business adventures, I haven’t looked back. I have truly found my calling. I am building NeuEve to challenge the status quo of how health product businesses are run.


Through NeuEve I can help people and make a real difference in their lives. The thank-you letters I get from customers is the reason why I wake up in the morning. My heart beams with pride when they explain how my products made them confident and helped them save their relationships,” says Dr. Renjie Chang.

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