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PlayStation 5 Will Retail For $399 On November 12th


PlayStation 5 Will Retail For $399 On November 12th

The highly anticipated PlayStation 5 will retail for $399 and is set to be available to pre-order Nov 12th

Ever since the announcement of the PlayStation 5 hit the internet, video game players everywhere have been trying to figure out how they will afford the newest console.

Initially, people speculated that the PS5 would retail anywhere between $600 and $700 but the current economic decline has no doubt made consumer brands rethink their prices.

According to CNET, $399 will be the pre-order price for the PS5 without the Blu-ray feature. If you choose to have Blu-ray, it will cost you $499. Gamers will be able to place their orders just in time for the holidays.

Over the years we’ve seen some expensive consoles. But if brands want to stand a chance in this economy, they need to pick their battles—be overly expensive and shutout more consumers or be affordable and cash out on be attainable for more people.

It’s without a doubt that the biggest draw to PS5 is Spider-Man. The new Spidey will allow players to play with Miles Morales who gained mainstream appreciation after the movie Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse received great praise. Fans were eager to take the movie adaption to their video game and Sony did not disappoint.

Now that we know that the PS5 is somewhat affordable, gamers can now exhale in relief as they won’t have to choose rent over video games. Now everyone is going to have a PS5 on their holiday list. Hey, if we are going to be quarantined for another year, at least let us play video games on a new system to keep us occupied.

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