Serena Williams recently posted some images to social media that has stirred up social media because some thought the pics were bad.
With Black Lightning over and the Painkiller series not picked up by The CW, it feels that Black superhero shows has met its quota.
The iconic Brooklyn rapper has written a memoir, that's coming out this November on Hatchette Books.
Marvel Entertainment is partnering with VIZ Media to publish superhero manga.
People seem to think you can't be a fan and be realistic with how problematic a fave is.
We all love when our favorite comic books get picked up for TV and movies. We as fans have already started imagining what actors will play...
Queen Latifah is bringing the heat on CBS with The Equalizer and now she is being given a second season.
Between the treatment of Ray Fisher, other Black talent and the poor mismanagement of their Black CW characters, should blerds boycott DC Comics?
Bésame Cosmetics latest Mary Poppins collection has Disney and beauty fans excited.
Here are some of our favorite Black and POC covers for March 2021.