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Lost Children Of Andromeda


Lost Children Of Andromeda

Jason Michael Primrose has launched his Kickstarter for his latest title Lost Children Of Andromeda. Find out more about his book now.

You can support Lost Children Of Andromeda on Kickstarter now!

Kickstarter has been a source of allowing independent Black and POC creators the chance to publish and bring their projects to life. Some popular and successful Kickstart projects have included Wash Day, Noir Is The New Black! and Trill Leauge. Now, author Jason Michael Primrose has launched his latest project for Lost Children of Andromeda. 



About Jason Michael Primrose

Visionary, independent author Jason Michael Primrose launched a Kickstarter campaign in February to fund the production of the multimedia assets for the immersive experience which coincides with the newest installment of the LOST CHILDREN OF ANDROMEDA series, 205Z: Time and Salvation. A prequel to the previously released Zosma, 205Z: Time and Salvation will be released on May 6, 2021. Leading up to the official book release, Primrose will be producing not only a traditional, printed book, but also an accompanying audio podcast, an interactive website, a gorgeous, 45-minute thematic soundtrack composed by Tobi Weiss, and stunning concept artwork and character sketches by The CMD Studios. 

“Lost Children of Andromeda is meant to be immersive, inescapable,” shares Primrose.  “Sometimes it will feel real, like an injection into our world, sometimes it will feel distant and impossible. Things that happen inside the novel may come true, or already have, some we can only hope never come to pass. From music to art to prose, you will find yourself surrounded by the experience, believing, like myself, that 2052 feels too familiar to not be real.” -Jason Michael Primrose

Primrose is providing an attractive list of perks to Kickstarter donors. Among those perks are: limited edition hardcover copies of 205Z: Time and Salvation with bookmarks featuring the concept art at the $35; limited edition, signed hardcover copies of both LOST CHILDREN OF ANDROMEDA series,  205Z and Zosma with bookmarks for $50; signed hardcover books, bookmarks, and 8 limited edition, hi-res character prints by The CMD Studios at the $75 level; and at $1,000, donors get all the perks, as well as get their names listed in the acknowledgments, a limited edition205Z soundtrack by Tobi Weiss on vinyl, and to be written into the series as a character! His Kickstarter solves many challenges independent creators face; marketing costs, production costs, and distribution bottlenecks, like getting the content to an audience craving diversity versus waiting for gatekeepers to permit diversity to exist in these genres, one story at a time. As part of his initiative to reach audiences, for every novel pledged in the Kickstarter, one will go to the Brotherhood Crusade, a career and personal development program for underprivileged youth in South Los Angeles. 

The BIPOC author, who also identifies as LGBTQ+, created the LOST CHILDREN OF ANDROMEDA series as an allegorical outlet to express his trials and triumphs as an LGBTQ+ person of color and struggles with finding his voice, focus, and purpose as a multi-hyphenate creative. Primrose feels there is ample room for more representation in the Fantasy/Sci-Fi genre, from independent storytellers in particular, and set out to create a universally diverse experience in 205Z: Time and Salvation.

“Imagination is power, and words can be access to that power,” states Primrose. “There is a world that exists where the championship of diversity we see in music, sports, TV, also exists in fiction literature. Not always necessarily about our suffering, but about our greatness, our (afro) futures. With literature being one of the most pervasive forms of consumption, it is imperative, to me, that BIPOC individuals are supported as they navigate bringing stories to life. It is time they are told by us. It is time we are seen as the heroes we are. Science Fiction and Fantasy presents a beautiful opportunity for that.”

205Z: Time and Salvation is set 31 years in the future, 215 days before the apocalypse. Natural disasters have ravaged the Earth leaving nations devastated, food and resources limited, and civil unrest rising among a doomed population crammed into claustrophobic cities. 

Allister Adams, a young African-American man with traces of inhuman DNA and supernatural abilities, is swept out of hiding when he intervenes to stop a terror attack. He’s soon caught in a war for alien artifacts between two rival organizations: a government-organized task force of genetically advanced Evolutionaries like him, and a group of radical, stateless Evolutionaries orchestrating terror attacks worldwide for reasons no one yet understands. He will have to choose sides in a war that has been raging since before he was born and outmaneuver a cosmic darkness that has been plotting its return since before the current era.

Along with writing, Primrose has had a decade-long career in creative strategy, digital and experiential marketing, and influencer partnerships for key industries;  from beauty to tech, from fashion to entertainment. He is still called upon by agencies and brands alike to catapult products, messaging, and experiences to new-age consumers, championing diversity across all industries and campaigns. 

Support and follow the Kickstarter now!


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