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CW Lands Its First Black Batwoman With Javicia Leslie


CW Lands Its First Black Batwoman With Javicia Leslie

CW Lands Its First Black Batwoman With Javicia Leslie

CW Has Its First Black Batwoman With Javicia Leslie and will coming debuting in 2021.

CW knows what we like, but is that enough to save the Batwoman series?

Javicia Leslie is a beauty, ain’t she? It’s no doubt she will attract new fans but is that enough to keep CW’s Batwoman going?

Batwoman received a lot of positive buzz at New York Comic Con 2019 but after a few episodes, the buzz and excitement started to wear off. Months later, the lead actress Ruby Rose left her position. Rumors speculate that Rose was under a lot of pressure for the role and it’s possible she didn’t enjoy living in Vancouver where they tape the show at.

Regardless, Ruby Rose showed Javicia Leslie love on her Instagram which currently has over 170,000 like as of now. In Rose’s IG caption she wrote that she was excited to see Leslie in season 2 of Batwoman and can’t wait to watch her. According to Variety, Leslie also starred on the CBS series “God Friended Me,” which only aired for two seasons. That show was produced by Warner Bro. Television as well as Berlanti Productions who is also behind CW’s Batwoman. The show will be returning in January 2021 and will air on Sunday nights. Leslie is excited to play the part as well. “I am extremely proud to be the first Black actress to play the iconic role of Batwoman on television, and as a bisexual woman, I am honored to join this groundbreaking show which has been such a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community,” Leslie said. Of course, some fans will have an issue with the casting because there are a lot of people in pop culture and fandom cultures that hate diversity. The trolls are already coming out from under their rocks to talk about canon origins. We want Leslie to succeed in her role and hope Batwoman the series gets some better writing and stories to keep fans engaged. Hopefully, they take some tips from Black Lightning and add some Black and POC writers to their writer’s room to help develop and flush out Leslie’s Batwoman. It would be a tragedy to cast a Black Batwoman just to have a series canceled—because the blame will fall on her which would not be fair at all.

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