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Celebrating The Life Of Black Radical Feminist Patricia Robinson

Join Black Women Radicals, Dr. Robyn Spencer, Lupe Family and Fabulize to celebrate the life of Patricia Robinson.



What started as a question and revelation turned into a journey or meeting brilliant Black women.

Join us on October. 15th at 5:30pm EST to celebrate the life of Patricia Robinson. Register here to secure your spot.

You’ve probably never heard of Patricia Robinson and that’s ok. Believe it or not, there are many Black women who have done much for the empowerment of Black women, community, education and politics that we’ve never heard of. We become acquainted with these heroines through their work and we study them and try to build from their foundation.

Now, many of us are opening our eyes and expanding our personal politics and we are discovering that we are embracing more radical ideologies and theories. With that being said, our curiosity is guiding us in discovering our ancestors and their work that has impacted even our generation.

I’m teaming up with Black Women Radicals, Dr. Robyn Spencer and filmmaker and activist Lupe Family to screen a short documentary on the life of activist, mother, psychologist and radical Black feminist, Patricia Robinson. We will celebrate her life and discuss how she influenced other Black feminists and activist from the 1970s and beyond.

Please join us in an educational, inspiring and celebratory tribute to a Black woman who focused on poor, Black mothers and advocated for Black queer people to adopt.


Register here to reserve your spot.

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