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28 Days Of Black Girls in Comics: Stephanie Williams


28 Days Of Black Girls in Comics: Stephanie Williams

28 Days of Black Girls in Comics is a celebration of Black women and marginalized people creating epic stories in comics and graphic novels.


Happy Black History Month!

This year, I thought it would be it would be a great public service to dedicate the month of February to highlight Black women who are making important and significant waves in the comic book industry. As you may know, the comic book industry is mostly cis, white male and while there have been some wins for diversity, overall, there is still a lot of room for growth.

Now, you already know Black women and marginalized creators get the least amount of support and signal boosting and with the number of awesome stories that are being produced by Black folks right now, we need to support!

Support Black girls in comics: Stephanie Williams

Let’s kick-off #28DaysOfBlackGirlsinComics by recognizing the amazing and talented Stephanie Williams. First, you need to follow Stephanie on Twitter because she’s funny, witty and she’s the meme queen when it comes to comic books and pop culture in general. She teased the timeline with her now popular Living Single and Marvel superheroes mashup.

Williams first appeared on Fabulize in Dec. 2019 and here’s what you missed:

The concept was created by Stephaine Williams and artist Erin O’Neil Jones. Williams currently writes for SYFY FANGIRLS. The former host of both the Lemonade Podcast and the Misty Knight’s Uninformed Afro Podcast is known on Twitter for making epic meme threads featuring comic book characters. She is also writing a comic based on her experiences as a parent with a toddler called Parenthood Activate. Williams was recently featured on Fabulize for her Kickstarter project called Braxton: Regenesis.

But What If Though presents: Living Heroes

An ongoing mini-series within the BWIT webcomic centered around heroes Monica Rambeau, Storm, Misty Knight, and She-Hulk. Being a hero is tough so you can always use the support of your girls.

Now Williams will be in the upcoming Marvel Voices doing what she does best—creating comics that are easily relatable to Black women and girls. You can support her by pre-ordering the upcoming Marvel issue here.

Support Stephanie and support the #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics

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