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This Black cosplayer’s Captain Marvel landed her a spot at Marvel’s Avengers Endgame premiere


This Black cosplayer’s Captain Marvel landed her a spot at Marvel’s Avengers Endgame premiere

Black cosplayers have been making positive waves in the past several years on social media. With hashtags like #CosplayingWhileBlack and #28DaysOfBlackCosplay, mainstream pop culture has been forced to recognize black cosplayers and their glory. Black cosplayers face a lot of scrutinies and deal with a lot of racist trolls and haters but that doesn’t stop a lot of them from having fun.

Cosplayer that goes by the name Cutiepiesensei Cosplay on Facebook, gained a lot of traction by posting her Captain Marvel cosplay. Even Brie Larson had to give her kudos. Her cosplay was so good, Marvel invited her to the purple carpet for Avenger’s Endgame. She took photos with the cast in her cosplay.

Even with all the likes and praise the cosplayer received, she never allowed followers and fans disrespect Brie Larson who stars in Captian Marvel. In fact, Brie Larson liked and commented on her Instagram photo. They also took photos together at the premiere. If you ever thought about cosplaying, take this success story as inspiration. The only rule to cosplaying is to have fun.

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I CAN FINALLY TALK ABOUT IT YESSSSSSS!!! I’ve been so MIA for the past couple of months because I got the AWESOME chance to work with @marvel on their newest #marvelbecoming episode to make a Captain Marvel cosplay alongside @pitchforkcosplay and @sharonrosecosplay !!! ⠀ ⠀ This has been a freakin journey, and involved a lot of “firsts” for me in terms of getting out of my comfort zone. It is my first time sewing leather (and the whole thing is made from it) or trying to do anything remotely screen accurate. It was super challenging but I’m really proud of how all of our costumes came out! Thank you so much @marvel for the opportunity and definitely go check out the video on their pages♥️❤️♥️⠀ ⠀ #marvel #marvelbecoming #captainmarvel #captainmarvelcosplay #cosplay #blackcosplay #blackcosplayer #cosplaygirl #marvelcosplay

A post shared by CutiePieSensei (@cutiepiesensei) on

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