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Queen Latifah’s ‘The Equalizer’ Gets Renewed For A Second Season

queen latifah equalizer second season
If you ain't watching 'The Equalizer' you are missing out


Queen Latifah’s ‘The Equalizer’ Gets Renewed For A Second Season

Queen Latifah is bringing the heat on CBS with The Equalizer and now she is being given a second season.

If you aren’t watching Queen Latifah as Robyn McCall on The Equalizer then you are missing out on some good television. It’s been a minute since we’ve seen the Queen in action, but trust, she hasn’t missed a beat at all. Even though The Equalizer on CBS has only aired 4 shows, the series is already being picked up for a second season as reported by Deadline.

The Queen in Back!

Now, if you’ve seen the movies with Denzel Washington, you are already pretty familiar with the gist of the story. McCall is a special-trained former CIA operative who is a total badass. The tv-series is filled with action from the beginning to end with Latifah using her skills to help people the police can not. Despite it airing on CBS, there is still plenty of gun action, close combat fighting and snarky dialogue.

The Equalizer has proven more than equal to the task of engaging viewers and racking up wins on Sunday night,” said Kelly Kahl, President, CBS Entertainment. “We’re extremely proud to see this outstanding broadcast drama, led by Queen Latifah, punch through the competitive landscape and return for a second season.”

Source: Deadline

Latifah is putting her money where her acting chops are. Deadline also reported that after four episodes, The Equalizer is the network’s No. 1 scripted series in viewers, averaging 14.6M million viewers. Yasss, Queen!

I’ve seen all four episodes and I can be the first to tell you it’s a dope show. I mean, it has me watching CBS which I rarely do but I’ve committed myself to watch this show. Here’s a quick rundown of the previous episodes without spoiling it for you.

Here is what you are missing

Latifah’s character is named Robyn McCall. As of now, there is no evidence that Robyn McCall and Robert McCall ( Denzel Washington) are related. Robyn has quit the CIA and it’s clear she also has a chip on her shoulder and does not want to work with the government under any circumstances. However, Robyn can’t turn her back to the people who need help when they can’t call on the police. Latifah outsmarts all of her opponents, especially the white-collar gangstas who believe they are unstoppable. She does all of this while taking care of her teenage daughter who has no idea the type of work her mother does. Whether she’s catching criminals on her bike or running upon them in the streets, her hair is always laid, ok?

the equalizer second season

Do yourself a favor and start watching CBS for The Equalizer. It’s giving everything you need right now; crime, action, tech and a bad ass heroine who can fight.

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