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Forever 21 gifting customers with Atkins bars as samples


Forever 21 gifting customers with Atkins bars as samples

Forever 21 gifting customers with Atkins bars as samples

What kind of message is this?

Let me first start off by saying this wasn’t just sent to plus size orders but apparently all online Forever 21 orders. However, the impact is still the same; weight and diet shouldn’t be thrown in your face when you are willing to pay for goods.

Twitter users posted their Forever 21 packages and were surprised to see Atkins bars in their shipments. Now I don’t have to explain the impact of customers who battle with eating disorders might feel about this. It’s invasive, rude and just out of place but this is the same store that had Bible verses in their shopping bags.

Initially, users thought they were only adding the Akins bars to plus size orders but it was confirmed that all online users received the diet supplements. The worst-case scenario here is the marketing department thought partnering with the brand would be a good collaboration and the worse, which we see here are people’s reactions. Sometimes brands have a tendency to do too much. We just want to shop in peace; many of us already experience anxiety when it comes to shopping for clothes. Imagine finally finding something you feel confident in wearing and receiving it with an Atkins bar. I would return my items and ask for a refund.

Forever 21 really dropped the ball on this.

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