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Birds Of Prey star, Jurnee Smollett shows loves to her Black hairstylist


Birds Of Prey star, Jurnee Smollett shows loves to her Black hairstylist

We can all relate, girl...

Birds Of Prey star, Jurnee Smollett shows loves to her Black hairstylist

Everybody keeps talking about how good of a movie Birds Of Prey is! To be honest, I really believe it to be true because I enjoy watching DC Super Hero Girls with my daughter. Birds Of Prey is now in theaters and despite the incel male haters, I am still going to check it out! Despite the lack of marketing of the movie ( which I think is done on purpose), I think the movie will do well, especially internationally. The girls looked like they had fun filming together and that’s a good sign because chemistry is important on-screen.

But that is not what struck me in my heart recently. I was on Twitter when I saw a tweet with several screenshots of actress Jurnee Smollett. The actress was seen in what looked to be outtakes with her hair being touched-up by a stylist. The next photos revealed a conversation all too familiar with Black women when it comes to working on set and not having the proper professionals tend to their hair and makeup.

The screenshots show Smollett thanking her hairstylist who is Black for being able to work with her during the duration of Birds Of Prey film. While that might not seem like a big deal to some, Black people who work in entertainment can relate heavy on how relieving it is to have talent on the set that knows how to style Black hair and work with darker skin tones.

As a former makeup artist, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been at a photoshoot and have Black models thank me for being their makeup artist because they feared they would have to do their own makeup. I can imagine the same rings true for hairstylists especially since so many Black women are rocking naturals these days.

It’s unfortunate that in 2020, so many Black people still vulnerable about the available talent they have access to entertainment. But let’s talk about this hairstylist though! Her name is Nikki Nelms and she goes by Hair MacGYver on Instagram. Sis is truly talented and has worked with some of the hottest Black celebs such as Solange, Janelle Monae, Zoe Kravitz and more!

Just like men have a bond with their barber, we have a bond with our hairstylist. We trust them with our delicate tresses and we all know a good hairstylist is not only hard but hard to keep! Once they are popping, you have to book ahead a time maybe months in advance! We stan an actress that loves their hairstylist in public!

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