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28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: Tee Franklin


28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: Tee Franklin

28 Days of Black Girls in Comics is a celebration of Black women and marginalized people creating epic stories in comics and graphic novels.

It’s day nine of #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics and it’s exciting to see people thrilled to see this type of content. Let’s get right into it!

Support Black girls in comics: Tee Franklin

Comic book writer Tee Franklin has shattered her own glass ceilings in the comic book industry. For starters, she’s the first Black woman writer to be hired by Image Comics. In 2016, Franklin created Bingo Love and had a successful Kickatarter that raised more than $57k from supporters. Bingo Love is a Black, queer comic about two women who loved each other for more than six decades. Franklin was also nominated for a GLAAD award.

Franklin is an open book about most things in her life and her Twitter reflects that. She’s talked about her private life such as her being a domestic violence survivor and her 2014 car accident that has since left her permanently disabled. Franklin uses her life experiences to help advocate for others. She’s a prominent voice for the disabled community when it comes to having better accessibility for people at cons and fests.

Her second comic, Jook Joint which was also released by Image comics was canceled shorty after released. In just a couple of issues, Franklin addressed domestic violence, hoodoo and voodoo culture and rape culture. Franklin was also vocal about her suicide attempt and how therapy helped her create Jook Joint.

Franklin also created one of the most popular chats and hashtags on Twitter called #blackcomicsmonth—a community where Black comic book creatives could share and signal boost their work and network.

We hope Franklin gets the opportunity to release another comic. Her work is important to Black girls, the disabled and queer community as she’s made spaces for people who often don’t feel seen. She deserves all her flowers and continued support.

Support Tee Franklin and support #28daysofblackgirlsincomics

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