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28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: TaLynn Kel


28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: TaLynn Kel

We are celebrating cosplayer and essayist TaLynn Kel for being a comic book writer and standing up for Black women in the fandom spaces.

It’s day eleven of #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics and it’s exciting to see people thrilled to see this type of content. Let’s get right into it!

Support Black girls in comics: TaLynn Kel

Author, writer, cosplayer, advocate and now comic book writer, TaLynn Kel isn’t afraid to make space for Black girls in the geek and fandom spaces. In fact, TaLynn has been a voice for fat cosplayers and geeks in the nerd community and continues to speak out against anti-blackness in the Blerd community.

Now, Kel is ready to expand her platform and dive into comic book writing.

While not a stranger to writing, comic narratives were a whole different mold. TaLynn is now making the jump to writing a comic and it’s her new and fun endeavor. The creators of Kamikaze invited Kel on the project when they realized they had excess funds from their Kickstarter. They knew that they had the option to hire a writer and artist for the fifth story in their anthology. As this was Kel’s first time writing a comic, they had to talk her into taking the job.

The team gave Kel the freedom to choose her own artist and she selected Angael Davis, an artist from Georgia she met at a local convention. The Short Circuits anthology features five short stories set in the cyberpunk world of Kamikaze, is available for pre-order:

Learn more about the comic:

Life is hard in Trinity. Water is scarce. Food is scarcer. People find themselves compromising to survive and sometimes the best compromise is to get out of town. That’s where Rio comes in. Rio is a coyote – a black-market people smuggler. Between her chosen occupation and the landscape she has to traverse, Rio’s toughness is constantly tested. Being a courier is dangerous work, but danger’s just Rio’s middle name. Danger’s not really her middle name, but you get the picture.

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