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28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: Regine Sawyer


28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: Regine Sawyer

28 Days of Black Girls in Comics is a celebration of Black women and marginalized people creating epic stories in comics and graphic novels.

It’s day seven of #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics and it’s exciting to see people thrilled to see this type of content. Let’s get right into it!

Support Black girls in comics: Regine Sawyer

Women In Comics NYC Collective International founder Regine Sawyer has been a pivotal force in the comic book industry. Not only is she a comic book creator, she’s also one of the few creators making space for women creators in the male-domimated industry.

Sawyer has a number of comics she’s penned including The Rippers, Eating Vampires and Ice Witch. Not only is she a comic book writer she also owns her own press company called Lockett Down Productions. Her focus is to publish women comic book artists and writers especially Black and women of color.

The WiNCON is a celebrated con that Sawyer organizes that allows women creators to be on panels, discuss their projects, vend and showcase their comics, books and art. Fans attend the con with hopes to support more women creatives. Sawyer continues to be on the frontline of ensuring a white, cis dominated industry recognizes and appreciated women especially Black women in comics.

Sawyer also can frequently be seen at San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con. She’s a prominent fixture in the Black comics community and she uses her influence to help indie comic creators achieve success with Kickatarter.

Check out The Blerd Gurl’s review for Ice Witch:

Chenoa D’Ken (codename “Ice Witch”) travels alone and at first glance doesn’t seem to be dressed for the inclement weather. That is until the reader is shown that the ice and snow ARE her elements, in that she can control them like a lethal Avatar-like water bender.

The compaound that she is approaching is guarded by Bu’toh, a superpowered bodyguard and glorified gatekeeper to the faceless “Queen” and possibly her kidnapped child. This elusive woman is clearly giving orders to Bu’toh (who is obviously her lackey). He is also expecting a visit from Chenoa, known only in this first issue as the “Ice Witch”.

What is not fully presented in this first offering is that Chenoa was previously leader of an intergalactic order of assassins with a deadly efficient reputation,  until one day she decided to retire and start a family. Apparently, retirement packages in her line of work are more permanent and subsequently, the very organization that she used to helm, has murdered her husband and taken her child in retribution for her desertion. Needless to say..

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