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‘Yes, Absolutely’ Yetide Badaki Says To Rumors Of Her Wanting To Play Storm


‘Yes, Absolutely’ Yetide Badaki Says To Rumors Of Her Wanting To Play Storm

The American God’s actress confirms she wants to play Xmen’s Storm.

We deserve a darkskin actress to play Storm

We are going to keep talking about Xmen’s Storm until get exactly what we want. We deserve a beautiful, dark-skinned woman that embodies the grace and style of Storm. There are lots of talks on who can play her but so far, only a few people have vocalized that they are ready to play her. One of those actresses happens to be Yetide Badaki.

It actually makes perfect sense that the American Gods actress wants to play Storm. She can relate to the character culturally and she’s already playing an goddess on television. If anything, she should at least be in the top picks of who Marvel executives are considering.

Recently, I interviewed Yetide Badaki and we talked about a little bit of everything such as her feelings about Orlando Jones, her independent film, her love for sci-fi and superheroes. Here’s her entire answer below:

Do you still want to play Marvel’s Storm in the future? What is it about the role that appeals to you?

Yetide Badaki: The short answer is yes, absolutely. The journey that we get to see with Storm the depths that we haven’t even begun to explore yet. I feel like as a woman, we’re often pushed into boxes pushed into places that are too small for us, because of the large gap that we are, we are giants, we have universes within us. I think that Storm represents so much of all of that and it would be an absolute joy to be able to play that role.

She held no punches about wanting to play Storm. She even admitted she’s been dedicating a lot of time to reading more sci-fi and comics just in case she gets that phone call.

You can read my full interview here with Flickering Myth.

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