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Win A Free Copy of Black Sci-Fi Short Stories From Flame Tree Publishing


Win A Free Copy of Black Sci-Fi Short Stories From Flame Tree Publishing

June is Black Music Month, Octavia E. Butler’s birthday and Juneteenth and we are celebrating with a book giveaway.

Book Giveaway!

June is Pride, Black Music Month, Juneteenth, and Octavia E. Butler’s birthday! To celebrate, we are giving away a free copy of Black Sci-Fi Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy) from Flame Tree Publishing. With so much going on, you might want to unwind by diving deep into some never seen before short stories by Black writers. This exquisite hardcover book is over 400 pages of several short, fulfilling stories that showcase the Black imagination’s diversity.

Octavia Butler by John Jennings

Here’s why you want it

If you are interested in reading some sci-fi by Black authors but you might be overwhelmed where to start, here is your chance to enter. Just go to our Instagram account @fabulizemag. Follow both @fabulizemag and @flametreepublishing on IG then share the post in your stories and tag @fabulize to enter.

There have been so many entries so far that I’ve decided to gift an additional three copies so there will be a total of 4 winners total! That just improved your odds! The contest was supposed to end June 30th at 11 pm EST but I’m extending it to July 4th at 11;30 pm EST.

Check out more of the description details below:

A deluxe edition of new writing and neglected perspectives.

Dystopia, apocalypse, gene-splicing, cloning, and colonization are explored here by new authors and combined with proto-sci-fi and speculative writing of an older tradition (by W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin R. Delany, Sutton E. Griggs, Pauline Hopkins and Edward Johnson) whose first-hand experience of slavery and denial created their living dystopia.

With a foreword by Alex Award-winning novelist Temi Oh, an introduction by Dr. Sandra M. Grayson, author of Visions of the Third Millennium: Black Science Fiction Novelists Write the Future (2003), and invaluable promotion and editorial support from Tia Ross and the Black Writers Collective and more, this latest offering in the Flame Tree Gothic fantasy series focuses on an area of science fiction which has not received the attention it deserves. Many of the themes in Sci-fi reveal the world as it is to others, show us how to improve it, and give voice to the many different expressions of a future for humankind.

The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction, and mystery stories, the Flame Tree Collections series books are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.

Table of Contents:

An Empty, Hollow Interview by James Beamon

The Comet by W.E.B. Du Bois

Élan Vital by K. Tempest Bradford

The Orb by Tara Campbell

Blake, or The Huts of America by Martin R. Delany

The Floating City of Pengimbang by Michelle F. Goddard

The New Colossuses by Harambee K. Grey-Sun

Imperium in Imperio by Sutton E. Griggs

Seven Thieves by Emmalia Harrington

Of One Blood: Or, The Hidden Self by Pauline Hopkins

Space Traitors by Walidah Imarisha

The Line of Demarcation by Patty Nicole Johnson

Light Ahead for the Negro by Edward Johnson

e-race by Russell Nichols

Giant Steps by Russell Nichols

Almost Too Good to Be True by Temi Oh

You May Run On by Megan Pindling

Suffering Inside, But Still I Soar by Sylvie Soul

The Pox Party by Lyle Stiles

The Regression Test by Wole Talabi

If you don’t want to wait to see if you won, you can buy a copy of the book here. Good luck!

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