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We Must Remove All Sexual Abusers From Public Office, Now


We Must Remove All Sexual Abusers From Public Office, Now

If politicians can’t respect people and their personal space, why should we trust them to vote for our better interests while in office? There is a serious problem and it needs to be fixed. We need to not allow men and women who sexually assault and harass people the privilege to be an elected official. Demanding politicians to not sexually assault and harass people should not be too much to ask out of elected officials. The majority of our Congress are white males and they should all be free of sexual abuse scandals. We can not move forward on equality issues if the people who are in a position to fix the problem are also part of the problem. Also, while we are at it, let’s remove sexual abusers from churches and schools too.

“My goal is to bring awareness to pedophilia and incest and to the men in Congress who are predators and to inspire people to protest and attend the march”, Shakira Soal creator of Silence Helps No One and most known for running a successful petition that 1.3 million people signed to have Judge Aaron Persky impeached.

Soal wants to organize marches to fight against predators in elected office. Her new site, Survivors March is a platform that connects survivors with supporters through email and text. Users can stay connected to find about marches and protests.

Elected officials need to be held accountable for their actions. Let’s get rid of politicians that prey on people.

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