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Watch: This Tik Tok creator recreate scenes from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with his parents

blerd womanist


Watch: This Tik Tok creator recreate scenes from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with his parents

Watch: This Tik Tok creator recreate scenes from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with his parents


Pt .3 of my Spider-man: into the spidey verse recreation! Hope y’all like it! (Shoutout to my supportive parents @eugenebush)#fyp

♬ original sound – just_jenoah_

We can all agree that Into the Spider-Verse is probably the best animated and Spiderman movie to date, right? Miles Morales, a genius Afro-Latin teen learning to navigate his teenage life while becoming a superhero and looking cool while doing it. The movie now has a total worldwide gross of $375.5 million dollars. Not too bad right?

Jenoah Bush is the young Tik Tok creator who has been creating cool Tik Tok of his favorite characters. His cosplay game is serious, too. He’s cosplayed Aladin, Bow from She-Ra and Marco Díaz Star vs. the Forces of Evil. This creator seems to be really having fun cosplaying and has amassed almost half a million followers on Tik Tok alone.

So what does all this mean? Sure, it’s fun to watch and look at the material, this kid has got it! But most importantly, it solidifies the need to continue to push for diversity in comics. White superheroes shouldn’t be the default in comics and fiction, and to see young people of color fully embracing their favorite heroes while celebrating their culture is a reason to celebrate. We need more afro-Latin heroes, more Black heroes and more minority heroes in general. It is really nice to see this young man enjoying himself online while not feeling the need to sacrifice his culture or identity to be seen or to feel included. Check out the rest of his videos for more entertainment! a big shout-out to his parents for supporting his creativity, too!


Here’s some more Miles Morales content for y’all! ???? (go follow mi Padre eugenebush ) #fyp #milesmorales #spiderman

♬ original sound – just_jenoah_

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