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This game lets black girls smack white people hands for touching their hair


This game lets black girls smack white people hands for touching their hair

Hair Nah is for every black girl that is tired of people touching their hair without permission

If you are one of the many black women that are tired of white people or anyone for that matter invading your personal space, play this game to let some steam off. Hair Nah is a funny ass game that times your abilty to smack dozen of white hands from touching yout hair. Make sure you get your hand and eye coordinations in check before you start playing as the white hands will bombard your head in no time.

This game has me cracking up. I love the default is a resting bitch face. Your default character already looks over it and the game hasn’t ever started. Once you pick your skintone and hairstyle, you choose a location you want to travel to and then the game begins. Once the location is selected, the game begins.

The white people trying to touch your hair starts off a bit random at first, then you hear various Becky’s trying to compliment you like you’re someone’s pet. This is when you activate your black girl magic and get to smacking hands like your are a groovy jazz musician.



While this game is funny and it entertains me, it is also true. Why can’t people keep their hands to themselves? Stop treating black women’s hair like some sort of mythical creature you’ve never seen before and you can’t resist to touch it. Better yet, you all should treat black women’s hair like racism ▬ act like it doesn’t exist and only bring it up when you want to talk about yourself.

Don’t touch my hair! Queen Solange tried to tell yall.

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