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This black cosplayer is teaching allyship through fandom in the new Safety Pin Box


This black cosplayer is teaching allyship through fandom in the new Safety Pin Box

“I wrote this. Me. The whole thing. I found out after I was done that I’m the only person they’ve commissioned to do an entire kit. It’s a big deal to have my work out there and I wanted to share that with you. Ok. I wanted to brag. I’m bragging. I’m very proud.”

Cosplayer, advocate and writer, TaLynn Kel, announced that she was commissioned to curate a themed subject for the Safety Pin Box. The monthly subscription-box service is a black-owned business that curates literature and tools for white people to address and unpack their racism. Talynn, who is a visible, black cosplayer had the opportunity to be the first artist commissioned by the subscription-based company to address a topic and specific genre. Kel is a great pick for this subject because she is also the author of, “Breaking Normal: Essays on My Fat, Black, Geek Life“, which covers racism, anti-blackness, geekdom and interracial relationships.

If you find yourself engaging in nerd and geek spaces and culture online and offline, you know first-hand that white gamers can be racist, sexist and tired ass edge lords. They hurl racist slurs at cons, while gaming online, and on various nerd forums. Most white nerds are awful when it comes to black nerds and other nerds of color, so this specialty curated box will hopefully help them address their bigoted fandom habits and teach them to reverse it.

We have to appreciate these black-owned businesses that are socially aware and responsible because they are offering a genuine service while simultaneously helping black femmes in the activism spaces with monetary help and visibility.

So, congrats again, TaLynn! #MySuperheroesAreBlack! and you are deserving of every accolade!

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