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Here’s A List Of Black Museums That Need Your Support


Here’s A List Of Black Museums That Need Your Support

Here’s A List Of Black Museums That Need Your Support

Here’s a list of Black Museums and art galleries that can use your support.

Support Black Museums, today!

We are living in history right now and make no mistake, there will be countless attempts to rewrite it. Now, more than ever, we need to fight to preserve our documented cultural institutions that are dedicated to the multiple layers of Black history.

Across the country, cultural centers and institutions are feeling the impact of our current depression and covid-19. With the current administration being as incompetent as they are allowed to be, we can expect or educational and humanities resources to be depleted over time.

However, there is power in numbers and Black Museums serves as an intricate and pivotal public resource to us all. Even if you can donate $5 or $10 for museum that will help.

Twitter user @JessDJefferson created an informative thread listing Black Museums that could use your support. Check the thread and make sure you share and retweet to give it more visibility.

Once we are allowed to go outside again, these museums will make for great destination travel sites as well. Some of the museums listed in the thread are the Studio Museum in Harlem, The Tubman Museum, Weeksville Heritage Center, The Colored Girls Museum, The Ida B. Wells Museum and more.

Even if you’re not able to donate please share the thread or this article to signal boost. Sign up for their newsletters to be part of those museums’ communities to learn more Black history.

This is a call of action because our Black cultural heritage and centers will only last if we are actively involved with preserving them.

Ida B. Wells Museum

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