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So are we ready to talk about Drake texting underage girls, now?

drake text teen girls


So are we ready to talk about Drake texting underage girls, now?

So are we ready to talk about Drake texting underage girls, now?

Drake has a bad habit of texting little girls

Drake is a 33-year-old rapper who finds himself texting and befriending girls as young as 14 and 15 and people are dismissing his behavior.

R. Kelly is still in jail and I hope he dies there. So many men take advantage of underage girls and for the most part, adults try to find blame in the girls. Drake has been developing a trend of texting underage girls to talk about boys and to engage in friendly conversation—allegedly. Once those girls turn legal age, he’s right there with his sloth face and whatever regional accent he finds cool at the moment and is courting these girls for the ‘gram.

This is considered grooming.

The process of grooming is a purposefully slow one, as predators methodically take steps to ingratiate themselves to children and gain trust. Predators are masters at manipulation and can appear kind and helpful to mask their ulterior motives, taking advantage of a child’s naivete —

Adult men groom young girls by targeting them and building trust with them. Then they try to shape their opinions and influence their thinking. Finally, they make their moves and then they try to control them. This happens so much that the idea of calling these men predators makes people gasp because it is seen as normal behavior. Drake is using his superstar appeal to appeal to young teens to get close to him. What does a 33-year-old man have in common with a 14-year-old?

Millie Bobby Brown
The Stranger Things star reportedly went to his concert put only after he visited her performing. She was on the red carpet and told the world she texts the rapper about boys and advice. Interesting that one of the most visible rappers has time to text a 14-year-old about boys.

Bella Harris
According to Vice, Drake met Bella when she was just 16-years-old and he displayed the same pattern. He would text her a lot, be her confidant and when she reached legal age, he made the move on her publicly. It was also reported he shut down a restaurant in D.C. for their special date. I can’t understand why a man as influential as Drake needs to befriend young teens when there are a plethora of grown women that are ready and willing to be with him at the drop of a dime? Why do people target young people? What do adults refuse to allow teens to be teens/

There are several articles that document Drake being inappropriate with underage teens. There was a Twitter thread that showed Drake in concert kissing an underage girl on stage and jokingly saying he might get in trouble as he proceeded to grope her.

Yet, he doesn’t get checked or called out from other high-profile men, just articles that get swept under the rug as this one will be. The difference here is I am writing this as a receipt for his fuckboi behavior when and if it blows up in his face. I thank the goddess that Rihanna and Serena avoided that shipwreck.

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