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Rihanna X Dior Collaboration #RihannaNavy #BlackGirlMagic


Rihanna X Dior Collaboration #RihannaNavy #BlackGirlMagic

Rihanna is designing with Dior

Rihanna is designing with Dior

And they aren’t cheap either. The futuristic shades will cost you anything between $800-$2000.00. Rihanna who isn’t new to the Dior brand stated she worked the team and drew countless sketches to come up with the perfect product. Anybody else dying to see those sketches?

Rihanna explained: “The process was pretty seamless. I spent a day at Dior with their eyewear design team. I started by looking through all the archives to see what they’ve done in the past, then got acquainted with all the new materials. I literally sat there and drew and drew until I was happy with the design, and the team illustrated it for me right then and there. We picked materials and colors that same day, and after that it was a matter of weeks before I saw the first prototype.”

When you reppin da PHUCK out yo own shit!!!

A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

RiRi has sneakers, perfume and now some badass shades. Can we ask RiRi to create a plus-size collection of some dope jewelry pieces please?

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