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Exclusive First Look At The Crunchyroll X Megan Thee Stallion Collection


Exclusive First Look At The Crunchyroll X Megan Thee Stallion Collection

Check out what's in the collection below

Exclusive First Look At The Crunchyroll X Megan Thee Stallion Collection

Exclusive look at the Crunchyroll X Megan Thee Stallion line

Check out these exclusive photos of the Crunchyroll X Megan The Stallion Collection

First and foremost, shoutout to Crunchyroll for giving us the opportunity to preview the collection! As you know, we posted the news that the official Hot Girl rapper was doing an exclusive collaboration with Crunchyroll—the number once source for anime in North America. Fans are already excited as to what the Savage rapper and Crunchyroll have in store for everyone.

So here is what we know. Megan and Crunchyroll worked closely together on this Crunchyroll Loves collection. Crunchyroll Loves is the brand’s in-house streetwear collection and its previous collections have included Black Clover and RWBY.

We know how much Megan loves anime, so as you can tell this is a perfect mix of Black girl kawaii meets Savage mashup. The collection captures the rapper’s Savage style and signature flame-orange and red that’s now associated with her. Her collection will include a tote bag with red lips, two different-styled hoodies; black and orange with the black hoodie in black and one and the orange hoodie in color. The images on the hoodies are beautifully drawn manga versions of the rapper herself. In addition, the collection will also have t-shirts and long-sleeved sweatshirts of variations of the rapper and her name on them.

Megan Thee Stallion X Crunchyroll Orange Hoody

You can pre-order now. If you really want it you have to order immediately because the collection will only be available for a short time. The pre-order window is from Jul 9th to July 20th.

We made a few predictions on what Megan would be giving us and unfortunately we were wrong. There are not school-girl skirts or oversized dresses but the hoodies and tees are definitely hot girl approved. The totes bag is really cute and perfect for throwing our mangas and water bottles in.

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