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HBO Max Is Now Streaming Dwayne McDuffie’s Ben 10 Series


HBO Max Is Now Streaming Dwayne McDuffie’s Ben 10 Series

HBO Max Is Now Streaming Dwayne McDuffie’s Ben 10 Series

HBO Max is streaming all of Dwayne McDuffie’ Ben 10 work

HBO Max is definitely trying to attract as many customers as possible. According to the Dwayne McDuffie Twitter page, the new subscription service is unveiling a lot of classic fan favorites as well as original content.

But if you’re a Ben 10 fan, you might be running to start your subscription now. If you haven’t seen the show now is a good time to check it out. Ben 10 follows a ten-year-old boy who discovers a magical device that transforms him into several alien-like monsters. He then uses those transformations to fight evil. Ben 10 unlike other superheroes has a familiar, childlike humor that still reminds us he’s still just a kid.

According to CNET, HBO Max will stream popular licensed shows like South Park, Adventure Time and Rick & Morty. They will also have popular HBO shows like Game of Thrones and The Wire.

HBO Max is hoping to be a new streaming favorite in people’s home. Now, with more people inside because of the pandemic, people might entertain adding another service of entertainment. On the flip side, a lot of people are sticking to their budget so while the serve might be tempting, some people might not take the bite.

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