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Join Sailor Moon Fans in Brooklyn to Celebrate Pride

Sailor Moon fans celebrate pride month


Join Sailor Moon Fans in Brooklyn to Celebrate Pride

For Sailor Moon’s birthday, moonies will join the Sailor Moon Fan Club podcast and host Victoria L. Johnson for a magical day party in Brooklyn.

Want to end your Pride Month on a magical note? If you do, you should make your way to Brooklyn, June. 30th for the Sailor Moon Fan Club podcast’s Sailor Moon Day Party! Join fellow Sailor Moon fans as they celebrate Pride and Sailor Moon’s birthday at Parklife located at 636 Degraw Street Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Happy birthday, Sailor Moon!

Guests can expect a fun day of fandom and pampering with fellow moonies. You can still get tickets on Eventbrite.

Here’s what’s going down at the Sailor Moon Day Party

Celebrate Usagi Tsukino’s birthday with a day of inclusive celebratory activities at Parklife. Here is a rundown on what moonies can expect according to the listing details:


In the name of the moon, join us for the last day of Pride Month as we celebrate Sailor Moon’s birthday at the second annual Sailor Moon Day Party!

This one-of-a-kind event includes:

A free nail station by @narinanails and @timsnailstudio (from 2-5 p.m.)
A free astrology readings by @natali.nicole (from 2-5 p.m.)
Access to a tattoo station with a selection of Sailor Moon-inspired art by @artbyjar (additional fees will apply)
Musical performances
Over a dozen giveaways (each ticket includes one free raffle ticket!)
Access to vendors selling anime-inspired goods
DJ sets by the Shonen Pump DJs, and DJ Highgnx and DJ Dimple from Sailor Boom Party

Hosted by podcast host and journalist, Victoria L. Johnson has created her own beloved fandom with her favorite anime: Sailor Moon. After launching her podcast just a few years ago, Johnson has built a dedicated and diverse following of Sailor Moon fans around the globe. Previous guests have included artists such as Cookie Kawaii, comedian Roxxy Haze and Sailor Moon voice actress Mary Long (she played Sailor Moon’s best friend Molly Baker from the DiC series).

This is the perfect way to wrap up Pride Month if you love fandoms. Grab tickets while you still can.

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