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Black Is Better: All-Star Friends Reading Was A Hit!


Black Is Better: All-Star Friends Reading Was A Hit!

While Tuesday, September 22, 2020 was officially known as Voter Registration Day across the nation, it will now be remembered for a different reason thanks to #ZoomWhereItHappens. The all-star reading of Friends from some of the best black celebrities in the game was a hit!

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Originally announced through Gabrielle Union, who was the show’s host, the reading was in conjunction with the #NationalVoterRegistrationDay ambassador along with co-chair Kerry Washington. The legendary 90’s sitcom Friends was up for grabs and was properly cared for. The epic moment was performed on a Zoom chat, and easily found under the hashtag #ZoomIsWhereItHappens. Featuring a true who’s who of Blackness, we have:

  • Sterling K. Brown as Ross
  • Ryan Michelle Bath as Rachel
  • Jeremy Pope as Chandler
  • Aisha Hands as Monica
  • Kendrick Sampson as Joey
  • Uzo Adubo as Phoebe

Of course, it’s not quite Friends without the iconic theme song. Special Guest Cynthia Erivo crooning I’ll Be There For You covered that end quite well.

The reading mirrors The Golden Girls remix from September 8. Featuring Tracie Ellis Ross, Alfre Woodard, Regina King, and Sanaa Lathan as the iconic characters, it was clear hit. It was the first #ZoomWhereItHappens production. Ergo, it may lead many to believe this can be an annual series the way Versuz has been for music artists. With that said, perhaps getting more dream team readings is in our future?

This event proved two things: Friends really was a carbon copy of Living Single and Black talent is at an all-time high currently. You don’t really need to ask if this was good or not. I listed the names. Act like you know already! Don’t believe me? Just check out Twitter’s reactions:

The entire event, while highly entertaining, was a reminder to all to be registered to vote in November. As we reach the apex of a staggeringly difficult year, it is important to remember the the biggest task for 2020: deciding who our leadership will be. So by all means, enjoy the entertainment, but be ready to vote!

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