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Coming Soon: The First Black Girl Double Dutch Manga


Coming Soon: The First Black Girl Double Dutch Manga

Creator Anfernee Robinson took to Twitter to announce their upcoming manga, Nijū Oranda-go!!

Black double dutch queens, it’s our time!

There aren’t a lot of Black sports manga available and there definitely isn’t a lot of Black double dutch stories despite its deep roots in the Black community as a competitive sport and enjoyable exercise.

Creator Anfernee Robinson took to his Twitter to announce his upcoming manga Nijū Oranda-go!! which will be available summer of 2021.

As a Black girl who loved double dutch as a kid and teen this is so exciting. In my hood, double dutch was a rite of passage for Black girls—if you can jump double dutch then you could hangout with the older girls and what pre-teen girls would pass up the opportunity to hang with the older girls?

Double dutch is also competitive. Whether you chose to jump with your neighbors or as a team, the amount of practice needed is similar to any other sport. You have to build up stamina and believe it or not that takes time. Double dutch is all about rhythm—your rhythm and the people you are jumping with. You have to learn how yoir team jumps, what speed they prefer and what makes them a strong jumper. It’s time consuming bit it’s a lot of fun, especially in the summer time.

There isn’t a lot of info available about this manga yet but it’s already a top bestselling sports manga on Amazon with over 4000 copies pre-ordered which is terrific for an indie publisher. You can pre-order here for a Kindle copy that will be released next year.

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