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Billy Dee Williams embraces gender fluidity and uses him and her pronouns


Billy Dee Williams embraces gender fluidity and uses him and her pronouns

Billy Dee Williams embraces gender fluidity and uses him and her pronouns

Billy De Williams embraces gender fluidity and dual pronouns

I recall a big backlash on social media when Donald Glover was cast as a young Lando Calrissian and it was announced that Lando is pansexual. Of course, the backlash came from the comic book gate losers who just knew the original Lando was canonically hetero. But guess what! The iconic Billy Dee Williams revealed that he embraces both he and her pronouns.

“And you see I say ‘himself’ and ‘herself,’ because I also see myself as feminine as well as masculine. I’m a very soft person. I’m not afraid to show that side of myself,” Williams told Esquire in his latest interview.

Williams was nominated for an Emmy for 1971 TV movie Brian’s Song which was a non-sexual love story between two men

In 1971, Williams was nominated for an Emmy for the TV movie, Brian’s Song. It is described as a non-sexual love story that recounts the details of the life of Brian Piccolo (played by James Caan), a Chicago Bears football player stricken with terminal cancer after turning pro in 1965, told through his friendship with Bears teammate Gale Sayers (Billy Dee Williams). Piccolo’s and Sayers’ sharply differing temperaments and racial backgrounds made them unlikely to become as close friends as they did, including becoming the first interracial roommates in the history of the National Football League, and the film chronicles the evolution of their friendship, ending with Piccolo’s death in 1970.

“What I presented on that screen people didn’t expect to see. And I deliberately presented something that nobody had experienced before: a romantic brown-skinned boy. —Billy Dee Williams

Williams will be reprising his role in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which will be in theaters Dec. 20th in the United States. This will be the conclusion to the Skywalker saga. Little known fact: Williams didn’t even have to audition for the part of Lando. The director knew Williams had the suave and charm that Lando was and needed.

Mr. Colt 45 is the definition of swag and class. He has always appeared to be empathetic, trusting and sincere. His voice always sounds like honey and perfectly aged bourbon and he looks like he smells like rain in the rainforest. Williams is 82-years-old and he looks fantastic! Back in the 70s and 80s, everyone’s mother and grandmother had a crush on the debonair Williams and it’s so hard not to! Look at him, listen to him and the fact he proudly embraces his feminine side and energy is enough to make us swoon over him thrice as much.

We love you, Mr. Billy Dee Williams!

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