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Beyoncé Drops New Song And Uplifts Black-Owned Businesses


Beyoncé Drops New Song And Uplifts Black-Owned Businesses

Beyoncé Drops New Song And Uplifts Black-Owned Businesses

Beyonce surprised fans with a new song at midnight and used her website to direct fans to Black-owned businesses.

Beyonce dropped a new single and of course she’s trending on social media…

Beyonce is going back to the South!

Beyonce dropped Black Parade around midnight. I was chilling in the house with my home girl when my man said, “Beyonce just dropped a new song and she’s trending.”

No further instructions were needed.

Both my home girl and I grabbed our phones and opened our music streaming service and searched the song. Bam! It popped up and we started bobbin’ our heads. Yeah this is cute.

Any time Beyoncé Drops something new I visit her website to see all the new swag she posts. This time I was totally surprised but in a delightful way. Beyonce is using her celebrity to highlight Black-owned businesses.

I was shocked to see an extensive directory of home decor, fashion, restaurants and beauty products all on her website. Reports are confirming that the megastar collaborated with Zerina Akers. Akers has an IG page @black.owned.everything that highlights a number of businesses.

On Beyoncé’s IG page you can see the live link to the Black Parade Route.


Beyonce also wrote a to the Attorney General of Kentucky with hopes to bring justice to Breonna Taylor. Breonna Taylor was killed in her sleep by police officers who had a warrant to search her home. The officers still have not been charged.

You can stream Black Parade everywhere right now.

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