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28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: The Gibbs Sisters


28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: The Gibbs Sisters

28 Days of Black Girls in Comics is a celebration of Black women and marginalized people creating epic stories in comics and graphic novels.

It’s day eighth of #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics and it’s exciting to see people thrilled to see this type of content. Let’s get right into it!

Support Black girls in comics: Shawnee and Shawnelle Gibbs

These Oakland, CA twin sisters are beyond talented. Together, they’ve won awards and worked on a number of projects that have been seen on television and comics. As independent artists, they’ve created some fun and even quirky projects including the graphic novel, Ghost Roast.

Here’s more information about the super twins that’s on Women In Comics wiki. “They are the writers of the time travel webcomic, “Fashion Forward ,” illustrated by Linda Chung, and the steampunk adventure series, “The Invention of E.J. Whitaker.”

Shawnee’ and Shawnelle’s quirky and often comedic style has lent itself to several genres including comic, animated and live-action properties.

The Gibbs Sisters’ work has been featured on G4 TV and BET and has appeared in film festivals including the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival.

Here’s a summary of Fashion Forward from Comixology:

Samantha Tate gave up a promising design engineering career for a chance to pursue her first love: fashion design. But her more geek than chic personality is a liability in the larger than life world of haute couture, where the weak are ripped to shreds like cheap charmeuse. With the help of a physicist friend, she creates the answer to her dilemma: a funky, time traveling device that allows her to venture seasons ahead in time, a place any designer would sacrifice generations of unborn collections to see. Sam finds herself further ahead than she ever imagined on a reckless adventure that may jeopardize New York’s most elite and change the future of fashion forever.

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