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5 Reason You Need To Watch Reasonable Doubt On Hulu


5 Reason You Need To Watch Reasonable Doubt On Hulu

5 Reason You Need To Watch Reasonable Doubt On Hulu

If you are looking for a beautiful, Black cast to binge, head over to Hulu to watch the latest, messy and dark thriller, Reasonable Doubt.

If you have not seen Reasonable Doubt on Hulu then you are missing out on some quality Black TV. Now that Interview with the Vampire and House of the Dragon have officially concluded, you might be looking for more television series to binge. I discovered the new series based on a few Twitter conversations about it. When I finally got the chance to check it out, I was hooked immediately. 

Reasonable Doubt is the brainchild of Raamla Mohamed, who also used to write and executive story edit for Scandal. The series follows Jax Stewart (portrayed by Emayatzy Corinealdi) who is a high-powered L.A. lawyer that’s in a complicated marriage who oftentimes finds herself in uncomfortable situations. Between juggling her marriage, her family, friends and career, Jax flirts with danger just because she knows she can. 

The intersections of class, gender and race

Photo credit: IMdb

Jax is playing in the big league which means she has to be faster, smarter and cleverer than her white, male counterparts. In turn, this makes her morally ambiguous character so compelling ( at least to me). She is essentially playing the same game men play however, she is often better, until she isn’t. Then there is her marriage; she is married to a handsome man named Lewis and they have beautiful kids, but she is the breadwinner. Now, this isn’t an Insecure moment where he’s just bumming it out on the couch. He makes good money and he has a more flexible schedule allowing him to be the more present parent. As a couple, they probably are in the $250k income range which would plant them in the middle-upper class in Los Angeles. They both have notable social connections while trying to stay grounded in their respective communities. 


Exploring non-monogamy as Black couples

Photo credit: Hulu

After watching season one, I can’t say for certain that they are in an open marriage, but let’s just say she’s not shy about letting her husband know she entertain sidepieces. Now, before you jump the gun, you should know Lewis’ hands aren’t that clean either. Still, it is refreshing to see Black couples explore non-traditional relationships roles in media. 

The fashions

Photo credit: Worn on TV

No matter what is happening in life, Jax will eat down when it comes to fashion. And it’s not just her, the entire cast always looks amazing. Now, we were all a fan of Olivia Pope’s coats and bags, but Jax channels her sophisticated-ratchet lifestyle by mixing low and high fashion pieces together. After every episode, I run to the Worn on TV website to see what the cast wore because it all goes to my Pinterest boards. 

Legal cases from the “villain” POV

Jax revels in working on tough cases and sometimes her cases involve fatal situations with dangerous people. But that doesn’t stop Jax. She is always ready to drop everything (including her family) to show up for her clients ( and potential clients) and to represent them to the best of her ability. This often leads to friendly and competitive banter with District Attorney Mike Ortiz (Victor Rasuk). But sometimes, those cases puts her life in jeopardy which impacts her family. It also helps that one of the writers on the show worked in law. 

The music

The legendary Ali Shaheed Muhammad also member of A Tribe Called Quest is the show’s music composer. I mean, there isn’t anything to add to that because you already know the vibe. Additionally, every episode is named after a Jay-Z song so the score is always on point. 


By now, you’ve probably heard that Morris Chestnut is starring in the second season. It’s true and he is going to be just as messy as Jax I am sure of it. But before you fast-forward to that scene with Chestnut, watch the first season beforehand because once you start, you will not want to stop. 



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