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Pandering Ankh-Right Troll, @TariqNasheed Attacks Black Femme Cosplayers


Pandering Ankh-Right Troll, @TariqNasheed Attacks Black Femme Cosplayers

First of all, fuck Tariq Nasheed as a crew and a muthafucking record label. Tariq and his trail of dusty, ashy skin flakes make it a habitual habit to use their free time (which seems quite often) to bash black women online. I guess after the flour settled he saw a new target of black women to offend since he can’t win against #SheaButterTwitter (a term coined by a collective group of ashy men and women to mock and ridicule black femme activists with naturals). If you aren’t familiar with burning dumpster can of trash, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, we know him for being one of the most vocal voices with the ‘import black women’ movement. Tariq and his gullible, lobotomized following have fooled themselves into thinking that black American women are unworthy of their interests so they prey on black and brown women from third world countries to import to the states to marry. Sounds pathetic and sad right? Well, it is and that’s exactly what Ashy Nasheed is — pathetic, weak and sad.

Only the ashy king himself can teach you how to ‘mack’ to “these women”.


If you have ever seen these tired, incorrect memes floating around social media you now know who to blame.

So, Tareek Ashsheed decides to now target black femme cosplayers because why not? Zeroing in on an already marginalized group of black women is what bullies do best right? He constantly fails at attempting to appear to be pro-black but is offset by his disdain for black women. Any man that can call black women bedwenches (a derogatory used to describe black women based on the idea that black women are incapable of making decisions without the influence of white men) is not an ally to black women. In fact, he’s a threat and is worse than any white supremacist. He spends all of his time trying to chastise black women while pimping black people for fake movements and awareness campaigns. Smh, black femmes can’t ever catch a break online or offline.

The biggest issue with targeting black femmes in nerd/fandom is there’s already a level of ash and anti-blackness that goes unchecked. There are already too many black nerd spaces online that harass black femmes whether it’s gaming, cosplaying or just general fandom. This garbage piece of a human being isn’t blerd-adjacent to even talk about black femme cosplayers but like clockwork, all the ashy Dragonball Z ‘I got picked on because I liked anime’ rough elbows blerds come caping for this trash ass statement. So let’s clear a few misconceptions up, shall we?

Cosplaying doesn’t mean you hate being black
I’m not even sure how you correlate the two but it’s a foolish comparison. Besides, #MySuperheroesAreBlack anyway.

Cosplaying doesn’t mean or indicate you want to date white men


Black femmes are not secretly trying to appeal to white men by cosplaying


Of course, like the true inept coward he is, he blocked me but trash is trash and if you are still buying Hidden Colors you are trash too. Lastly, fuck him and anyone that agrees with the dry, Youtube coon philosophy he has to offer. Don’t be part of the problem.


Mad ethnic right now...

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Tiara

    June 27, 2017 at 10:56 PM


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