
Happy Birthday, Octavia Butler!

Happy birthday, Octavia Butler! Here’s how the queen of science fiction has impacted literature.



We continue to celebrate the genius of the godmother of science fiction, Octavia E. Butler…

Happy birthday, Octavia E. Butler!

If you are looking for Black science fiction books and authors there is a high chance that when you Google those words in a search bar the name Octavia E. Butler appears. In fact, even if you google science fiction books and authors without adding Black, you will see the renowned and award-winning writer.

In fact, Butler has paved the way not just for Black sci-fi writers but Black women writers of the genre as a whole. We continue to celebrate her life as her works have inspired a whole movement of Afrofuturism and speculative fiction. Her work continues to resonate every year as books combine race, politics and science fiction all into one. If you haven’t read any of her books, check out the gallery below to see her some of her works.

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