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NY Times writer considers black women angry and #lessclassicallybeautiful


NY Times writer considers black women angry and #lessclassicallybeautiful

Alessandra Stanley not only writes an article filled with racism and stereotypes but she also forgets to fact check.

Alessandra Stanley not only writes an article filled with racism and stereotypes but she also forgets to fact check.

First, Alessandra Stanley who writes for the NY Times has a horrible track record for being inaccurate, falsifying stories and just being an irresponsible journalist (but none the less, still maintains her job at the NY Times). In her current piece, she concludes that Shonda Rhimes is an “angry black woman” and she tried it! tries to call Viola Davis ugly by using the phrase ” less classically beautiful”.

less classicaly beauty

Of course it finally hits Twitter and inspired the hashtag #lessclassicallybeautiful where beautiful black women uploaded their pictures to the NY Times to show how embarrassing and offensive this soon-to-be print article is. Stanley, who acts completely unaware of her atrocious piece, tells TPM:

“The whole point of the piece — once you read past the first 140 characters — is to praise Shonda Rhimes for pushing back so successfully on a tiresome but insidious stereotype,”

Girl, if that’s a compliment you can surely keep that shit.

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