Meet MySkin.com – Your Online Dermatologist
Women of color everywhere struggle with various skincare issues that ranges from uneven skin tone to hyper-pigmentation. I can say that that working as a professional makeup artist and being a beauty writer and blogger most women of color look for cosmetics that cover their flaws instead of treating them. The trick to having flawless makeup is having flawless skin ( or at least attempting).
This past Sunday I was invited to The Beauty Party where MySkin came out to demonstrate their advanced product knowledge on skincare and how their unbiased recommendations benefit you (the consumer) more than the products themselves. All you do is sign up on their website and it asks you a few questions about your skin based on your age, ethnicity and current products you use. It then proceeds to ask you how you like your current products and after you’ve answered those questions the database sorts out over 170,000 beauty products that are good for you.
MySkin.com is like your virtual dermatologist. It is informative, educational and it offers positive support on your skincare journey.
Sign up and create a profile. I personally use a product that is quite expensive but after I answered the questions on Myskin and I found an alternative to my expensive moisturizer that is just as effective for my skin and relates to my skincare concerns.