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Lil’ Kim Announces Memoir Book To Drop In November


Lil’ Kim Announces Memoir Book To Drop In November

The iconic Brooklyn rapper has written a memoir, that’s coming out this November on Hatchette Books.

Lil’ Kim is dropping a memoir this November.

Rapper Lil’ Kim told People that fans should get prepared for her upcoming, explosive memoir that will detail intimate parts of her life.

I love Lil’ Kim and I can not wait to get my hands on this book. Growing up in the ’90s, Lil’ Kim redefined hip-hop and how women rappers are perceived. Sure, there was Salt-N-Peppa, Hoes With Attitudes and more but it was Lil’ Kim who made history.

To me, Lil’ Kim is a feminist icon—a Black feminist icon specifically. Lil’ Kim made me—a fat, brown skin teen with glasses and acne, feel good about herself. I loved rhyming her lyrics knowing that I hold the ultimate power in relationships with men no matter how much they tried to belittle my voice.

“I’m excited to finally get to tell my story after all this time,” Lil’ Kim told People. “Many people have thought they knew the story of Lil’ Kim, but they have no idea.”

As fans, we have a lot of questions for the Brooklyn rapper. I hope her memoir touches on her beef with singer Faith Evans, her ongoing rap beef with Foxy Brown, her friendship with Mary J. Blige and Aaliyah, motherhood and the unfortunate violence and misogynoir she’s encountered throughout her life.

I feel so protective of Lil’ Kim. Her interviews used to impact me because she was so transparent about the things that were happening to her. I recall one interview where she revealed a lot of her self-esteem issues stem from her father calling her ugly. I also recall her briefly hinting at having an abortion that could of been Biggies baby.

While there isn’t much being revealed about what’s in the book, you can bet it will be real and possibly traumatizing. Hip-hop as a whole isn’t kind to Black women and we probably don’t know half the things that goes on behind the scenes. I hope this memoir helps Kim heal and touches others. We all need a sisterhood circle to hold us down.

Lil’ Kim’s upcoming memoir will be published by Hatchette Books.

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