Have you been on Facebook and you see a sponsored ad that actually looks pretty cool? Instead of being annoyed by a plethora of ads that...
I found these dope pics of Nichelle Nichols who most know as the first black woman on Star Trek but many aren’t aware of the modeling...
Wynter Robinson is a young artist that loves creating art. But after reading a tweet from the creator of Inktober, who suggested that digital art is...
…and none of y’all said a thing… K. Nobody is going to read this because nobody cares about my opinions when it comes to their favorite...
“I wrote this. Me. The whole thing. I found out after I was done that I’m the only person they’ve commissioned to do an entire kit....
Damn, that’s a whole lot of money but considering it’s by one of the most notable artists we’ve had the privilege of knowing, it’s not surprising....
​​ I knew #KwanzaaCrawl would be lit because people asked me if I was going. I bought a ticket and my confirmation included my team leader,...
Damn, do you need an #AfropunkBae? There aren’t many fests I can think of off-hand that allows me to blush and bask in the glory of...
I’m so thrilled that in this day and age, black women can create spaces to celebrate their natural beauty with each other. Black sisterhood is important,...
“Not only is Apocalypse not frightening (in this X-Men movie by Fox), he resembles Ivan Ooze from Power Rangers if he hit the gym. Most importantly,...