About Fabulize Mag
Fabulize is the brainchild platform created by journalist Erika Hardison. She grew up reading a plethora of magazines and always wanted to work for a magazine. As an undergraduate she took several media arts courses from media management to magazine layout and eventually made her childhood dream a reality.
One of her biggest inspirations growing up was Queen Latifah’s character from Livin’ Single. Just like Khadijah James, Hardison wanted to create a platform where people like her could build community and share their nerdy interests together! Fabulize looks to highlight pop culture happenings from the POV of marginalized, nerdy feminists.

What does Fabulize even mean?
Well, first, it’s pronounced Fab-You-Lies.
Hardison has always been a fan of animation and when she was younger she was obsessed with The Simpsons. The episode that inspired the name for her magazine is when Lisa gets dressed up and she asks, “Can’t a girl just Fabulize herself before the big dance.
“That stuck with me for a long time because women don’t need reasons to dress up and be fab—we just should do it because we feel like it. So, I wanted to encapsulate Lisa’s energy and use that as the basis of my media platform’s motto. Nerdy girls can be girly, smart and fab at their own pace. I want to fabulize myself just because I feel like it, not because I am expected to.”
Why does pop culture needs feminism analysis?
In society, Black and Brown women’s issues and plights are often ignored and overlooked. Fabulize centers BIPOC nerds and creates op-eds, lifestyle, body-positive, positive parenting, nerd and pop culture content from an intersectional feminist point of view.
“Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavendar.”— Alice Walker
Contact: [email protected]
New York Comic Con becomes a welcome home for Black nerds