
28 Days Of Black Girls In Comics: Kiara Williams



Celebrate #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics with digital artist and freelance artist Kiara Williams.

It’s day nineteen of #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics and it’s exciting to see people thrilled to see this type of content. Let’s get right into it!

Support Black girls in comics: Kiara Williams

Kiara Williams is a Blerd from South Carolina and the creator of Arcana7 Studios. Fantasy stories inspired Williams from a young age, and so she eventually wrote her own. But before that happened, Williams was the kid often getting in trouble for drawing and doodling in class. It all worked out, however, when she followed her passions and pursued and earned a degree in illustration at Winthrop University in 2013. And it is from then on she became a freelance artist and illustrated a magical girl comic, The Electric Rose, every week.

Williams’ work has not gone unnoticed. Her art has been printed out and reproduced for posters, mugs, and the like at Winthrop University’s Department of Design. Williams is proficient in digital art mediums such as Paint Tool Sai and Photoshop. Williams also uses traditional art such as gouache paints, colored pencils, markers, graphite, and watercolor. She is clearly no stranger to technique and color as well as shape and shade. Our very own Erika also wrote about Williams’ art right here on Fabulize!

Be sure to check out Kiara Williams’ art on Facebook, the website for The Electric Rose comic, on her personal website, and be sure to contact her personally for any of your artsy needs!

Support Kiara Williams and support #28DaysOfBlackGirlsInComics

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