Me after the Gym.
Ok, now that you have decided to take your health seriously you might feel ashamed or embarrassed to workout with the “fit” folks but rest assure you are not the only person that feels that way. You probably feel like everyone is looking at you and talking about you but in reality they are not. In fact, I’ve been in gyms where people offered assistance ( usually trainers) if I look like I needed help. Don’t worry! Don’t feel ashamed if you feel slower than everyone – just remember you have to take small steps and you are working towards a new you!
So here are a few things that have helped me get over my gym fears:
1. Buy nice, flattering workout clothes.
If I look good, I feel good. I purchased some really great yoga pants from Lane Bryant the holds everything in ( so my jiggle is at a minimal) and a Nike Tank that holds my boobs down but keeps me dry as I’m sweating my life away (that’s what I’m wearing in the picture).
2. Create a workout playlist.
My advice is to put together all the songs that makes you happy and makes you want to dance like Beyonce, Pharrell or anybody that makes you extra hype – that will get you through all that sweat.
3. Bring a friend.
It’s so much more fun to workout with a friend because not only can they spot you but they will keep your mind off of those little pesky insecurities you might have.
4. Think about the odd clothes and the new clothes you will be able to fit into.
While you are on that treadmill or lifting weights, just think how nice it would be to wear that old dress that used to be your favorite that you can’t wear anymore or those jeans you can only wear on your skinny days. Who doesn’t like shopping? Think of the possibilities!
5. Think about your overall well being and how you are improving your body.
If you are like me then and don’t aspire to be skinny but more healthier and fit then it’s easier to maintain small and steady goals. Drinking more water, taking vitamins, being active and counting calories is what I’m doing. I’m also not weighing myself every week and becoming obsessive with it. I want long-term results, not short fixes so if I lose one pound a week I am happy 🙂
So go to the gym, do your thing and maintain your happy face – even if it hurts 🙂

Plus size gals can workout too