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Every Episode of Marvel’s Luke Cage Will Be Titled After A Gang Starr Song (Episode Titles Included)


Every Episode of Marvel’s Luke Cage Will Be Titled After A Gang Starr Song (Episode Titles Included)

*I originally wrote this on Huffington Post*

Luke Cage and Chill?

San Diego Comic Con just concluded this past Sunday and Marvel Comics seems to still be dominating post-con topics and conversations of the annual convention. After rave reviews of their popular Netflix series such as Jessica Jones and Daredevil, Marvel decided to keep their fans happy by introducing a standalone Luke Cage series starring Mike Colter. We saw Colter appear in a few episodes in last season’s Jessica Jones and let’s just say Marvel and Netflix are aware what their fans enjoy.

The entrance to see the panel of Luke Cage at San Diego Comic Con was overwhelming crowded with fans waiting in anticipation to see the highly anticipated series that will also be introducing Simone Missick who will be playing Misty Knight. For those that aren’t familiar, Misty Knight will be the first black female superhero to star in a TV series. Cheo Coker who is working on Luke Cage confirmed that every episode will be named after a Gang Starr song and that the show embodies the “Wu-Tangification of the Marvel universe.” Remember those Hip-Hop variant comics?

Misty Knight

Misty Knight

Similar to Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Luke Cage will use New York City, particularly Harlem as its backdrop. Luke Cage who has impenetrable skin and mutant-like superhuman strength will be beating up bad guys in dark hallways similar to the fight scenes in Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

If it’s not broken don’t fix it right? Netflix knows it’s audiences and Marvel appears to be compliant to what fans appreciate in this binge-watching era of television consumption. Instead of trying to make Netflix Marvel shows look like movies, they’ve opted with a (winning) formula of dark fight scenes, in depth character development and have kept a very close relationship between the comic books, fans and the television screen.

Every episode of Luke Cage will be titled after a Gangstarr song. Even the trailers have captured a certain New York hip-hop essence that’s a bit extraordinary. Deadpool featured a lot of DMX but the Luke Cage trailers have embraced rappers like Nas and Ol’ Dirty Bastard.

I like where Marvel on Netflix are taking us. After the Luke Cage trailer was shown at SDCC, Marvel dominated social media for hours afterwards releasing trailers for Daredevil, Iron Fist and The Defenders. Am I the only one waiting for The Punisher trailer?


Are you excited about the upcoming Luke Cage series? You should be. With the visibility of Black Lives Matter our perceptions of heroism are no longer limited to straight able-bodied white males and their savior complex. We expect to see more diverse characters that will not only resonate with comic book fans but also capture the interest of new fans. To discuss more about diversity in comics, there’s a Facebook group called, My Superheroes Are Black! They cover and support diverse illustrators, publishers, writers and general blerd (black nerd) topics. Most importantly, I’d like to give a special thanks to Cynthia Francillon and Black Girl Nerds for permission to use their exclusive photos.

Here are the official episode titles as per Cheo Hodari Coker and expect a new episode release until Luke Cage debuts which will be September 30th.

Get prepared now.

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