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He thought I was sexy until I told him my real weight



fat is only cute when the pounds are unknown

fat is only cute when the pounds are unknown

Weight ain’t nothin but a number

So, you are on a dating site, you add all full length body images in every picture hoping to encourage men that appreciate fuller women to notice you in hopes of finding the right chemistry. Besides, nobody want to be a catfish right?

Real story, this has happened to me. Guy 1 messages me and tell me how gorgeous I am and how he loved my curves, so I check out his profile and if he’s nice and cute I’d reply.
So fellas, does a woman’s weight deter you from dating her if you are attracted to her? Apparently it does. So we are messaging back and forth and he continues to compliment me and I graciously say thanks. I then ask him if he’s dated bigger women previously and he’s said no ( this is a non-issue for me, i don’t require men to be chubby chasers to date me) and he continued to compliment me.

Cool, Guy 1 seems interested. He told me he likes curves but his limit is 170lbs. LOL! Well I informed him that I was more than 170lbs and he told me he didn’t believe me. He then visited my profile about 15 times to make sure I wasn’t lying (or to convince himself that he was indeed attracted to a fat woman). So he then he asks me, “exactly how much do you weigh” and I told him – the truth.

After about 5 messages of him asking me ” Are you serious?” he stopped messaging me but kept looking at my profile ( meaning he views my profile and pics but doesn’t message).


Was I mad? No. Single people on dating sites are looking to find someone they are compatible with but I also believe that people tend to look for perfection and are scared or intimidated by what others may think of the people they are interested in. After All, how awkward would it be for me if he were to introduce me to his friends and they make him uncomfortable?

Fat girls can’t ever catch a break.


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